Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 10
Short Questions (with Answers)
1. Who wrote the poem “God Made the Country” ?
Answer : William Cowper wrote the poem.
2. What does the poet say about who made the town?
Answer : The poet says man made the town.
3. What does the poet believe about the countryside?
Answer : He believes the countryside is natural and perfect.
4. What are fields and groves used for?
Answer : They provide peace and comfort to wanderers.
5. What is the main source of light in villages at night?
Answer : The moonbeam is the main source of light.
6. Why does the poet say the town-dwellers feel fatigue?
Answer : They feel tired due to their idleness and artificial lives.
7. What music does the countryside offer?
Answer : The birds’ songs provide natural music.
8. Why is the nightingale mute in towns?
Answer : The loud city noises scare it away.
9. What do chariots and sedans represent in the poem?
Answer : They represent luxury and idleness of town life.
10. How does the countryside console people?
Answer : It offers peaceful groves and natural beauty.
11. What does the poet prefer over artificial luxury?
Answer : He prefers simple and natural rural life.
12. What makes rural life sweeter according to the poet?
Answer : Health and virtue make it sweeter.
13. What kind of landscapes inspire William Cowper?
Answer : Quiet, rural, and natural landscapes inspire him.
14. What are birds in the countryside scared of?
Answer : They are scared of noise and chaos in towns.
15. What does the poet say about town-dwellers’ scenes?
Answer : Their scenes are contrived and lack natural beauty.
16. What does the moonbeam symbolize in the poem?
Answer : It symbolizes simplicity and natural light.
17. How does the poet view artificial lights in towns?
Answer : He believes they eclipse the natural beauty of moonlight.
18. What does the poet call the countryside?
Answer : He calls it God’s creation.
19. What do towns represent in the poem?
Answer : They represent artificiality and human interference.
20. Why does the poet praise rural life?
Answer : Because it is peaceful, natural, and virtuous.
Medium Questions (with Answers)
1. Why does the poet say “God made the country” ?
Answer : The countryside is natural, beautiful, and made by God. It is free from human-made changes like towns.
2. Why does the poet think life in towns is unhealthy?
Answer : Town life is full of noise, laziness, and fake comforts. It lacks fresh air and peace like the countryside.
3. What do groves do in village life?
Answer : Groves give shade and peace to people in villages. They help people relax and enjoy nature.
4. How is music in villages different from towns?
Answer : Villages have sweet music from birds like the nightingale. Town noises scare away the birds and ruin the harmony.
5. Why doesn’t the poet like artificial luxury?
Answer : Artificial luxury makes people lazy and disconnected from nature. It stops them from enjoying simple and natural things.
6. What advice does the poet give to people living in towns?
Answer : The poet tells them to leave their busy, fake lives. He asks them to enjoy the peaceful and simple life of villages.
7. What does the poet say about the moonbeam?
Answer : The moonbeam is soft, natural, and calming. The poet thinks it is more beautiful than bright city lights.
8. How does village life keep people healthy?
Answer : Village life has fresh air and peace that make people healthy. It helps them live happily and stay close to nature.
9. What is the main difference between town and village life?
Answer : Town life is noisy and fake, while village life is simple and natural. The poet thinks villages are healthier and happier.
10. What inspires the poet in this poem?
Answer : The beauty of nature inspires the poet. He loves fields, groves, moonlight, and birds in villages.
11. What does the poet think of city lights?
Answer : City lights are too bright and block the moonlight. The poet prefers the soft and peaceful moonbeam in villages.
12. Why does the poet talk about health and virtue?
Answer : Health and virtue are found in the countryside. The poet believes they are needed to live a happy life.
13. What makes village life happy, according to the poet?
Answer : The poet says nature, simplicity, and peace make village life happy. Villagers enjoy life without unnecessary luxuries.
14. How does the countryside comfort people?
Answer : The countryside calms people with its quiet groves and natural beauty. It helps them relax and feel peaceful.
15. Why is the town life unsuitable for the poet?
Answer : Town life is noisy, fake, and full of unnecessary luxuries. The poet likes the peaceful, natural life of villages.
Long Questions (with Answers)
1. Why does the poet like the countryside more than the town?
Answer : The poet likes the countryside because it is peaceful and full of natural beauty. He enjoys the fields, groves, and birdsong. Towns are noisy and artificial, which the poet dislikes.
2. What does the poet mean by “God made the country and man made the town” ?
Answer : The poet says the countryside is God’s creation, perfect and beautiful. Towns are man-made and filled with noise and luxury. This line shows the poet’s love for nature over artificial things.
3. What does the poet say about the music of villages?
Answer : The poet loves the sweet songs of birds in villages. In towns, loud noises scare the birds away and ruin the natural music. He prefers the calm and soothing sounds of the countryside.
4. What does the poem teach about simplicity?
Answer : The poem teaches that simplicity makes life happy and peaceful. Villages are simple, with fields, groves, and moonlight. The poet thinks town luxuries make life unhealthy and stressful.
5. Why does the poet criticize people living in towns?
Answer : The poet says town people live lazy and fake lives. They miss the beauty of nature and rely on unnecessary luxuries. He advises them to enjoy the simple and peaceful life of villages.
6. What role does nature play in the lives of villagers?
Answer : Nature gives peace, comfort, and happiness to villagers. The groves, fields, and birds make their life calm and beautiful. The poet thinks nature is God’s gift to the people in villages.
7. What does the poet say about lights in towns and villages?
Answer : The poet criticizes bright city lights for hiding the moonlight. In villages, the soft moonbeam lights up the night peacefully. He prefers the natural beauty of the moon over artificial lights.
8. What values does the poet find in rural life?
Answer : The poet finds health, peace, and simplicity in rural life. Villagers live naturally and enjoy the beauty of nature. He believes these values make life happier.
9. How does the poet describe the countryside using imagery?
Answer : The poet uses fields, groves, moonlight, and birds to show the beauty of the countryside. These images create a peaceful and natural picture. The countryside looks calm and perfect, unlike noisy towns.
10. What is the main message of the poem “God Made the Country” ?
Answer : The poet says rural life is better than urban life. He loves the peace, health, and beauty of villages. Towns are noisy and fake, while villages bring people closer to nature.
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