MCQ Chapter 8 English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Little Girls Wiser Than Men 1. One word led to another and they had an angry…………..flightingfightingshoutingquarrelQuestion 1 of 102. It is a time for…………..and not for such folly as this.providingadvisingrejoicingavoidingQuestion 2 of 103. Presently Maiasha joined her, and with a…………….of wood helped her dig the channel.flipchipclipslipQuestion 3 of 104. Dear little……………!brothersboysgirlssoulsQuestion 4 of 105. Till where did the water reach?Maiasha’s anklesAkoulya’s anklesBoth (A) & (B)None of theseQuestion 5 of 106. ‘It is deep, I’m afraid!’ who said?AkoulyaMaiashaBothNone of theseQuestion 6 of 107. What happened when Malasha’s mother came out after hearing her howl?Malasha’s mother began scolding her neighbourMalasha’s mother struck Akoulya’s mothersMalasha’s mother struck Akoulyanone of theseQuestion 7 of 108. Why was no one listening?because everyone was laughingbecause everyone was fightingbecause everyone was shoutingnone of theseQuestion 8 of 109. They would not listen to the old woman and nearly ……………………. her off her feet.knockedstruckkilleddashedQuestion 9 of 1010. ‘Akoulyas’s mother’seizedMaiashaAkoulyaBothNone of theseQuestion 10 of 10 Loading...
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