MCQ Chapter 8 English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Little Girls Wiser Than Men 1. Who is the author of this article ?Maxim GorkiBladimir NarakovLeo TolstoyNone of theseQuestion 1 of 202. Where did the two little girls meet ?In a lane between two homesteadsOn the front roadOn the first cross of the roadNone of theseQuestion 2 of 203. Who had dressed them ?The sisterThe motherThe fatherNone of theseQuestion 3 of 204. Why were the two girls dressed in new clothes ?The had gone to a fairBoth went to marketThey had gone to churchNone of theseQuestion 4 of 205. What was in the yard ?Dirty waterCold waterHot waterNone of theseQuestion 5 of 206. Till where did the water reach ?Akulya’s anklesMalasha’s anklesBoth (A) & (B)None of theseQuestion 6 of 207. The two girls forgot their and be came Friends again.FarmsJealousyAngerEnvyQuestion 7 of 208. The old woman tried to make everyone understand that as it was Easter, the day should be spentJealouslyHappilySadlyAngrilyQuestion 8 of 209. Malasha’s came out and started scolding Akoulya’s mother.MotherBrotherFatherSisterQuestion 9 of 2010. Malasha put down her foot and splashed dirty water on to Akoulya’sHairNeckHandsFrockQuestion 10 of 2011. In this story, the author shows how little children sometimes behave in a more mature manner thanAdultsPlantsAnimalsSaintsQuestion 11 of 2012. Why was Akoulya’s mother angry ?Her daughter start weasingBecause her daughter’s frock became dirty & stainedBecause her daughter became wetNone of theseQuestion 12 of 2013. Who splashed water on Akolya’s frock ?a fast moving waterMalashaa fast blowing windNone of theseQuestion 13 of 2014. Who is the author of the article ‘Little Girls Wiser than Man’ ?Maxim GorkiLeo TolstoyBladimir NarakovNone of theseQuestion 14 of 2015. Where did the two little girls meet?In a lane between two homesteadsOn the front roadOn the first cross of the roadNone of theseQuestion 15 of 2016. Which festival is referred to by the writer in “Little Girls Wiser than Men”?EasterHoliDiwaliNone of theseQuestion 16 of 2017. Malasha’s……………..come and started scolding Akulya’s mother.motherbrotherfathersisterQuestion 17 of 2018. ‘Except ye turn, and become as little…………………girlchildrenyoung manboyQuestion 18 of 2019. One girl was very small, the other a little…………….thinnersmalleryoungerbiggerQuestion 19 of 2020. Soon the……………..took then to splash about in the water.finaryfancythoughtnone of theseQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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