MCQ Chapter 7 English Panorama II Poetry Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10The Sleeping porter 1. The porter was going up aPlatformLaneRoadCliffQuestion 1 of 222. In this poem, the poet talks about the difficult life of porters in theHillsVillagesCitiesTownsQuestion 2 of 223. What does his body emit ?Nuclear radiationColoured lightsSulphur-like sour smellNone of theseQuestion 3 of 224. As a result of very hard work, the porter’s ……………beat fast.MusclesHeartPulseNervesQuestion 4 of 225. The porter’s son shivered with cold and was………………….JealousAngryAfraidHungryQuestion 5 of 226. Who is ‘He’ in the first line ?A birdPorterPoetNone of theseQuestion 6 of 227. Who is challenging the mountain ?The PorterThe PoetBoth (A) & (B)None of aboveQuestion 7 of 228. In the last line, the reader finds the porter…………over the rich kingdom of sleep.LaughingThinkingReigningCryingQuestion 8 of 229. How much load does the porter have on his back ?100 Kilogram25 Kilogram50 Kilogram75 KilogramQuestion 9 of 2210. Who is the poet of the poetry, “The Sleeping Porter’ ’ ?Vikram SethPuran SinghLaxmi Prasad DevkotaPeriasamy ThoranQuestion 10 of 2211. At the end of the poem, the porter is in deepSlumberProudFleasBreathQuestion 11 of 2212. The porter was the proud conqueror ofGodThe poetMountainNatureQuestion 12 of 2213. The Son’s mother was searching forflees and liceBread and butterNettles and vinesRoti and DalQuestion 13 of 2214. What is there on the cliff?a huta castlea buildinga palaceQuestion 14 of 2215. What is meant by ‘lid of night’?darknessthe night as a covera coverthe nightQuestion 15 of 2216. The poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota was born on12 April, 190822 November, 199912 November, 1909None of theseQuestion 16 of 2217. Laxmi Prasad Devkota belonged toKathmanduGujaratRanchiBiharQuestion 17 of 2218. In 1929, Laxmi Prasad Devkota obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree fromPatna UniversityDelhi UniversityKathmandu UniversityNone of theseQuestion 18 of 2219. Of his time, Laxmi Prasad Devkota, was a renowned poet andNovelistTeacherArtistStorywriterQuestion 19 of 2220. The porter was wearing a blackChappalPantShirtCapQuestion 20 of 2221. The porter’s body was an abode offleas and liceSweetsPantingNone of theseQuestion 21 of 2222. What type of smell does the Porter emit?dirty smella sour smella sulphur like sour smellnone of theseQuestion 22 of 22 Loading...
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