MCQ Chapter 6 English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Once Upon A Time 1. Which of the following awards was also given to Toni Morrison?PulitzerBooker AwardsRamon MagsaysayNone of theseQuestion 1 of 132. A language should be living and ………….clearvibrantglaringvividQuestion 2 of 133. Who is the father of the old woman?a Russianan American black slavean Americanan EnglishQuestion 3 of 134. The old, wise woman’s reputation for wisdom is without ……………. and everyone agreees to this.ClairvoyanceQuestionsComparisonAnswerQuestion 4 of 135. Who says “Finally, I trust you now”?The old womanThe young peopleThe narratornone of theseQuestion 5 of 136. Extra-sensory perceptionhonouraweclairvoyanceloreQuestion 6 of 137. The old woman livednearalonewith familyfarQuestion 7 of 138. Toni Morrison also won the Pulitzer Prize foressayPoemStoryfictionQuestion 8 of 139. Published early in 1998?Joan LexauToni MorrisonSatyajit RayLoo TolstoyQuestion 9 of 1310. Language alone……………… from the scariness of things with no namesamuseprotectscaughtremindsQuestion 10 of 1311. An alcoholic drink made from apple juiceclairvoyantridercidernone of theseQuestion 11 of 1312. Choose the synonym of ‘profound’ from the following.funnyseriousshallowfalseQuestion 12 of 1313. This folklore is present in manymovelsculturecivilizationstoriesQuestion 13 of 13 Loading...
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