MCQ Chapter 6 English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Once Upon A Time 1. Who is the author of this article Once Upon a Time’ ?Rohitan MistriR. C. HuchinsonAung San Suu KyiToni MorrisonQuestion 1 of 152. Who is the first black woman to receive Nobel Prize ?Amrita PritamAung San Suu KyiToni MorrisonNone of theseQuestion 2 of 153. When did Toni Morrison receive the Nobel Prize ?A.D. 1994A.D. 1992A.D. 1990A.D. 1993Question 3 of 154. Which of the following awards was also given to Toni Morrison ?PolitzerBooker AwardsRemon MagssessayNone of theseQuestion 4 of 155. Which of the following is the recent novel of Toni Morrison ?ApartheidMerchantParadiseNone of theseQuestion 5 of 156. How was the old woman ?A.S.U.WiseBlindSoftly SpokedQuestion 6 of 157. What is the position of old woman in her neighbourhood ?As quarreling womanHatredRespected as Rural ProphetNone of theseQuestion 7 of 158. Why did the young people visit the old woman ?To aprove her clairvoyanceTo say her to leave her houseTo diasprove her clairvoyanceNone of theseQuestion 8 of 159. What disability did the woman have ?Could not talkUnable to moveFatnessBlindnessQuestion 9 of 1510. The young people asked the old woman a question whose answer could only be given by one who could………….SeeSmellHearReadQuestion 10 of 1511. The old woman was……………enough to know she could not help the young people.SuspiciousIntelligentStupidStrongQuestion 11 of 1512. The sadness of the slaves made them sit with their………..bentLegsShouldersWristsSpoonsQuestion 12 of 1513. Every one of the slaves knew that the next stop wil be theirLastSecondFirstFourthQuestion 13 of 1514. Who is the writer of “Once upon a Time”?Satyajit RayToni MorrisonR.C. HutchinsonLeo TolstoyQuestion 14 of 1515. ‘Once Upon a Time’ is a…………….biographyfictionstoryspeechQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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