MCQ Chapter 6 English Panorama II Poetry Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Koel 1. Who is the poet of the poetry, “Koel (The Black Cuckoo)” ?Arundhati RoyLaxmi Prasad DevkotaPuran SinghVidyapatiQuestion 1 of 152. What is the meaning of ‘ ‘Thy’ ’ ?OurMyOwnYourQuestion 2 of 153. Where does the Cuckoo conceal itself ?In’ Mango-leavesIn forestIn the leaves of any plantNone of theseQuestion 3 of 154. What does the bird do the poet ?Attacked upon himSang in musical voiceWakes poet’s soulNone of theseQuestion 4 of 155. Why is the bird so restless ?They are travellers in habbitBecause, the bird has no shelter to live and singBecause, they are hard workingNone of theseQuestion 5 of 156. What chars the cuckoo wings ?The passion & fireThe fire & loveThe fire of loveNone of theseQuestion 6 of 157. The poet asks the koel what has………………her.MadeForgottenHurtToldQuestion 7 of 158. The high-pitched strains of the koel wakes in the poet’s soul a thousandLongingsDesiresDreamsMemoriesQuestion 8 of 159. The koel is full of dissatisfaction because its ………….is not with her.MotherLoverHusbandBrotherQuestion 9 of 1510. The koel asks the ………….not to be motionless and tell it where its beloved isFruitsLeavesTreesBranchesQuestion 10 of 1511. How does the koel feel?PeacefulhappysatisfiedrestlessQuestion 11 of 1512. The man was rich, but…………….dishonestnot contentcontentinnocentQuestion 12 of 1513. The song of the koel brings alovehappinesssadnessthousand memoriesQuestion 13 of 1514. What fires the Koel?lightningsight of mango-blossomsrain of sparksmango leavesQuestion 14 of 1515. The Fire of Love has……………my wings.singedcharredburntsparkedQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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