MCQ Chapter 5 Panorama English Reader Part – II Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Sun and Moon 1. Whose stories followed in the footsteps of the Russian writer Chekhov?Walter de la MareKatherine MansfieldMunshi PremchandJohn GalsworhyQuestion 1 of 62. The Party was to be held in thenightafternoonmorningeveningQuestion 2 of 63. Except whom, everyone was very happy about the preparations for the party?MoonSunBothNoneQuestion 3 of 64. The children were not allowed toattend the partyattend the assemblygo to the schoolNone of theseQuestion 4 of 65. The stories-‘Prelude, To the Bay, The Fly, The Garden Party’, are written byJohn GalsworthyAnton ChekovKatherine MansfieldWalter de la MareQuestion 5 of 66. To look into somebody’s eyes for a long time untill they feel embarrassedfringsStared downto squeaktangledQuestion 6 of 6 Loading...
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