MCQ Chapter 5 English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Acceptance Speech 1. The act of willingly taking something that is offeredspeechdemocracyfreedomaccceptanceQuestion 1 of 192. A person who lives in a monastery and does not have possessionsactivisitmonkmonstermountQuestion 2 of 193. The prize is also intended to …………………. all those engaged in this struggle.indulgethankhonourengageQuestion 3 of 194. Acceptance speech was delivered on19 December, 191019 September, 191010 September, 199110 December, 1991Question 4 of 195. ‘To pay attention’ means same asgive feesto heedthe greedstand upQuestion 5 of 196. Burma’s long struggle is for?plight, freedom and democracypeace and democracypace, freedom and peoplepeace, freedom and democracyQuestion 6 of 197. What is more precious than diamond or silver or gold?genuine brotherhoodinternational communitygenuine brothergenuine peopleQuestion 7 of 198. Who had made the Acceptance Speech?William MorisAung San Suu KyiAlexander ArisAlexander PopeQuestion 8 of 199. Who delivered the ‘Acceptance Speech’?Alexander ArisWilliam MorisAung San Suu KyiNone of.theseQuestion 9 of 1910. The Burmese people can today hold their head ……………………..a little lowera little shortera little biggera little higherQuestion 10 of 1911. The Nobel Prize for Peace was accepted on behalf of………….Alexander ArisThe peopleAung San Suu Kyinone of theseQuestion 11 of 1912. The events in Oslo to award Nobel Peace Prize fell on the Day of …………freedom srugglefreedominternational human rightsnone of theseQuestion 12 of 1913. Javier Perez de Cuellar was the Secretary-General of…………….United NationsJapanAmericaEuropeQuestion 13 of 1914. Mr. Chairman, the whole international Community has applauded the choice of your………………committeeprizeagecountryQuestion 14 of 1915. Alexander Aris thanked from his…………for this honour.motherartmindheartQuestion 15 of 1916. Discrimination against or hostilitystruggleracismendorseplightQuestion 16 of 1917. The word ‘incarcerated’ meansjaileddis HnonouredhonouredbailedQuestion 17 of 1918. In a heavily guarded compunds in Rangoon, what is taking place?Nobel peace prizethe freedomthe lonely strugglethe democracyQuestion 18 of 1919. And no one must underestimate thatplightheightfightfightQuestion 19 of 19 Loading...
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