MCQ Chapter 5 English Panorama II Poetry Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10The Empty Heart 1. Who has written the poem. “The Empty Heart”?Amrita PritamPuran SinghVidyapatiPeriasamy ThooranQuestion 1 of 282. What made him mad ?Sudden shockHis Greedy tendencyHis tendency of getting more & moreNone of theseQuestion 2 of 283. The man tried all tricks to gatherGoldDiamondsSilverJewelleryQuestion 3 of 284. The tree gave the man seven…………..full of gold coins.SacksPansPots/PitchersBagsQuestion 4 of 285. There was a…………….which had the power to grant wishes.TemplePigeonSnakeTreeQuestion 5 of 286. This poem tells about the problems caused byGreedPovertySicknessOvereatingQuestion 6 of 287. Greed is ………….but life is not.EndlessBadWorthyGoodQuestion 7 of 288. What were in Pitchers ?Copper CoinsGold CoinsSilver CoinsNone of theseQuestion 8 of 289. What happened to his prayer ?Prayers were neither Ranted nor refusedPrayers were not grantedPrayers were grantedNone of theseQuestion 9 of 2810. What did he demand from the tree ?Pot of CopperPot of SilverPot of GoldPot of BronzeQuestion 10 of 2811. What was the problem of the man ?he had a crisis of moneyhe was very dissatisfiedhe was very much in threatNone of theseQuestion 11 of 2812. What happened to his prayer?Prayers were neither granted nor refusedPrayers were not grantedPrayers were grantedNone of theseQuestion 12 of 2813. What is Kalpaka?wish-yielding treea big treea treea golden treeQuestion 13 of 2814. Each coin he could clutch by hook ortooklookshookcrookQuestion 14 of 2815. The poem, ‘The Empty Heart’ is translated fromTamilOriyaEnglishBengaliQuestion 15 of 2816. Periasami Thooran was born in1988180917081908Question 16 of 2817. Periasami Thooran, the poet died in1897198819081987Question 17 of 2818. Why was the man not content, although he was rich?due to thirst of wealthdue to thirst of gold(A) and (B) bothnone of theseQuestion 18 of 2819. Periasamy Thooran first made his name as a writer ofsatireShort stories and poemsessayPoemQuestion 19 of 2820. The high pitched strains of the Koel wakes in the poet’s soul alongingsdesiresdreamsmemoriesQuestion 20 of 2821. The man’s prayer was grantedsevenfoldlatequickgold coinsQuestion 21 of 2822. How many pitchers did the man get as a gift?SeventhreeoneSixQuestion 22 of 2823. Because he did not eat, drink or sleep properly, his healthbroke downbecame soundgot downNone of theseQuestion 23 of 2824. Morning, noon and……. …. he went.midnightafternoondaynightQuestion 24 of 2825. For as a gift to him was.givengiftedgrantedofferedQuestion 25 of 2826. To All this was his thought.shortlyquicksteadilysharplyQuestion 26 of 2827. The seven full he clean forgotvesselspitcherspotspicturesQuestion 27 of 2828. The demon now made him mad.Desiregoldfiresilver potQuestion 28 of 28 Loading...
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