MCQ Chapter 4 Panorama English Reader Part – II Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Quality 1. How many assistant Mr. Gessler keep to assist him in his work?ThreeOneTwoNoneQuestion 1 of 122. Mr. Gessler made…………….boots.goodkindbadoldQuestion 2 of 123. Mr. Gessler advertised his trade.SometimesTrueFalseNone of theseQuestion 3 of 124. According to the doctor, Mr. Gessler had died ofslow-starvationfoodbad foodNone of theseQuestion 4 of 125. Whatever Mr. Gessler earned was spent inshoes and bootsbread and butterRoti and dalrent and leatherQuestion 5 of 126. Once the author went into Mr. Gessler’s shop in a pair of boots bought at some largebankfirmarttownQuestion 6 of 127. When the author visited Mr. Gessler’s shop after a gap of nearly two years, he found another……………….name also painted on one of the windows of the shop.Plumber’sBaker’sBootmaker’sFlorist’sQuestion 7 of 128. Why did Mr. Gessler die?due to oldnessdue to his diseasesdue to slow – starvationnone of theseQuestion 8 of 129. John Galsworthy was born in1876185718671847Question 9 of 1210. John Galsworthy was died in ………………1924192319331934Question 10 of 1211. Mr. Gessler’s shop was situated in…………….Part streetthe West EndYorkshireCanaught PlaceQuestion 11 of 1212. Mr. Gessler’s shop was known by the name of ……………Gessler BrothersGessler BootsQuality BootsNone of theseQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
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