MCQ Chapter 4 English Panorama II Poetry Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Thinner Than a Crescent 1. What do Radha’s friend believe in?Nothing will come againJoy may come againKrishna will never come againJoy will never come againQuestion 1 of 92. Why did Radha’s friend Lord Krishna?to warn himto see himto meet himto report himQuestion 2 of 93. Radha is growing thinner than thecrescentslicemoonstickQuestion 3 of 94. Who is loved by Radha?Lord VishnuLord KrishnaLord RamaLord ShivaQuestion 4 of 95. And she ……………on its bank.singscrieslooksbroodsQuestion 5 of 96. Vidyapati was born inBisapi, MadhubaniBishup, MadhubanBaisakhi, MadhubaniNone of theseQuestion 6 of 97. What carved a river?tearsher waterwaterNone of theseQuestion 7 of 98. At times they……………..hope.crescentbanishtearsbroodsQuestion 8 of 99. Radha is both hurt andbanishcrescenttearsconfusedQuestion 9 of 9 Loading...
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