MCQ Chapter 4 English Panorama II Poetry Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Thinner Than a Crescent 1. How does she (Radha) look like ?Wider than the crescent in the skyThinner than the crescent in the skySharper than the crescent in the skyNone of theseQuestion 1 of 152. Originaly Vidyapati is a………………poet.BhojpuriEnglishHindiMaithiliQuestion 2 of 153. Radha’s friends were…………..about her.EcstaticWorriedAngryHappyQuestion 3 of 154. This poem is in the form ofA conversationA reportA letterA speechQuestion 4 of 155. Radha’s friend goes to Krishna.SailingRidingRunningWalkingQuestion 5 of 156. Who is Madhava ?a follower of Lord KrishnaThe other name of Lord KrishnaLord Krishna’s friendLord Krishna’s enemyQuestion 6 of 157. What do her friends do at last ?Gave consolation to RadhaDrop the hope of Radha to meet KrishnaContinued the hope of Radha to meet KrishnaNone of theseQuestion 7 of 158. How is she hurt ?Due to the ignorance of Lord KrishnaDue to the presence of Lord KrishnaDue to the absence of Lord KrishnaNone of theseQuestion 8 of 159. Who wrote the under written lines ? “Her tears carved a river And she broods on its bank Hurt and confused.”Durga Prasad PandaPuran SinghVidyapatiNirad C. ChoudharyQuestion 9 of 1510. Vidyapati’s poems are about Radha andVishnuRamSitaKrishnaQuestion 10 of 1511. Lord Krishna had not met……………. for some time.YashodaSudamaRadhaVidyapatiQuestion 11 of 1512. Thinner Than A Crescent” has been composed by………………………….Nirad C. choudharyDurga Prasad PandaPuran SinghVidyapatiQuestion 12 of 1513. Vidyapati’s poems are about Radha andVishnuSitaRamKrishnaQuestion 13 of 1514. Who is crying?The PoetRadhaLord KrishnaNone of theseQuestion 14 of 1515. Why is Radha crying?in absence of her loverdue to her hurtboth (A) and (B)none of theseQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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