MCQ Chapter 3 Gillu English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. The life span of squirrels isTwo weeksFour YearsOne yearTwo yearsQuestion 1 of 212. What was taken off when Gillu died? ,The bedThe flower potsThe KajuThe swingQuestion 2 of 213. On his last night, Gillu came down from his swing to theOpeningNarrator’s bedGardenDepartureQuestion 3 of 214. Gillu was very sad because of the narrator’s.ScoldingAbsencePresenceSicknessQuestion 4 of 215. Mahadevi Verma was the receipient of which of the following award?Padma BhushanBharat BhartiMangla Prasad PrizeAll of theseQuestion 5 of 216. Gillu would come back to life in the form of small yellow ……………..DaffodilsJuhi flowerSunflowerMustardQuestion 6 of 217. What was everyone’s remark about the wounded squirrel?It would not surviveIt would surviveThere is half chances of survivalOne of theseQuestion 7 of 218. Give the meaning of amazing?JoyfullWonderfullAstonishingNone of theseQuestion 8 of 219. Mahadevi Verma was born in1908190619051907Question 9 of 2110. The narrator saw two crows playfully poking their beaks at thebreadflowersquirrelflowerpotsQuestion 10 of 2111. Gillu was very sad by her absence. Here ‘her’ referred toMahadevi VermaservantGillu’s friendcowQuestion 11 of 2112. Everyone would offer the baby squirrelbreadnutflowerkajuQuestion 12 of 2113. Everyone told the narrator that Gillu would……………….run awaylive happilylivenot liveQuestion 13 of 2114. Who greatly surprised everyone after three to four months by the improvement in his health?The CrowThe CowThe narratorGilluQuestion 14 of 2115. Gillu departed from this world in the…………..midnighteveningmorningnoonQuestion 15 of 2116. Gillu was put to external rest under the………… treeearthsonjuhi creepernone of theseQuestion 16 of 2117. Gillu was buried under the Sonjuhi creeper because he loved it……………..leastmoremuchmostQuestion 17 of 2118. What was the common name of Gillu?gilahariglihrigalluGoluQuestion 18 of 2119. Which ointment was applied to the wounds of Gillu?fair & lovelyantibioticpenicillinnone of theseQuestion 19 of 2120. Which sound did Gillu make when he was hungry?chik-chikchick-chickchak-chakchuk-chuckQuestion 20 of 2121. How would Gillu lie on the surahi kept near Mahadevi?coolstraightprostratenone of theseQuestion 21 of 21 Loading...
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