MCQ Chapter 3 Gillu English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. Who has written ‘Gillu’ ?VidyapatiSatyajit RayMahadevi VermaPuran SinghQuestion 1 of 202. Mahadevi Verma was a leading poetess of the ……………. school of poetry.Bhakti SchoolChayavadi SchoolRevolutionary SchoolNone of theseQuestion 2 of 203. Mahadevi Verma was the receipient of which of the following award ?Padma BhushanMangal Prasad PrizeBharat BhartiAll of theseQuestion 3 of 204. Mahadevi Verma was an elected fellow of……. Akademi.KalaSahityaSangit NatakNone of theseQuestion 4 of 205. To which game does the wirter compare the crow’s play ?To hide and seekTo bite and flyBoth (A) and (B)None of theseQuestion 5 of 206. What did she see which was amazing ?A tiny baby squirrel in runningA tiny baby runningA tiny baby squirrelNone of theseQuestion 6 of 207. How many wound did the squirrel have ?SevenTwoOneFiveQuestion 7 of 208. What was everyone’s remark about the wounded squirrel ?It would not surviveIt would surviveThere is half chances of survivalOne of theseQuestion 8 of 209. Which of the following name was given to the squirrel ?GillaGillGautiGilluQuestion 9 of 2010. Give the meaning of amazing ?JoyfullWonderfullAstonishingNone of theseQuestion 10 of 2011. This lesson is about true friendship between a human being and a/an…………….GhostAlienAnimalMicro-organismQuestion 11 of 2012. Everyone told the narrator that the squirrel would not……………after being attacked so badly by the crows.SleepEatMoveLiveQuestion 12 of 2013. When the narrator sat down to write, Gillu wanted to catch her …………..HairPenAttentionPapersQuestion 13 of 2014. Gillu’s favourite food was …………..JamBreadRiceKajuQuestion 14 of 2015. The narrator liked to believe that on some day, Gillu would come back to life as a smai Juhi flower.SummerSpringAutumnWinterQuestion 15 of 2016. Mahadevi Verma was an……………poetess.Sri LankanAmericanAfricanIndianQuestion 16 of 2017. “Gillu” is about true friendship between a human being and a/an …………ghosalienanimalmicro organismQuestion 17 of 2018. Everyone told the narrator that the squirrel would not……………….after being attacked so badly by the crows.sleepeatmoveliveQuestion 18 of 2019. Mahadevi Verma died in the year1987190519071967Question 19 of 2020. Antonym of the word ‘exception’ isspecialtalenteddifferentordinaryQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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