MCQ Chapter 3 English Panorama II Poetry Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Polythene Bag 1. What type of noise does a polythene bag make?smellingsqueakygreatnone of theseQuestion 1 of 172. What type of smell does a polythene bag exude when burnt?disgustinglightheavypungentQuestion 2 of 173. Where do germs of diseases keep on growing?In garbage binIn polytheneIn soilNone of theseQuestion 3 of 174. The feeling of ‘hurt’ has been compared toThe environmentThe earth’s crustA garbage binA polythene bagQuestion 4 of 175. What does a polythene bag give out when it is burnt?gives some noisegives fragranceexudes a pungent smellnone of theseQuestion 5 of 176. What causes pain?touchlearnthurtsmellQuestion 6 of 177. What comes back again and again?nothingpainpollutionsmellQuestion 7 of 178. Where is the polythene bag buried?inside the waterinside the earthinside the garbage binsnone of theseQuestion 8 of 179. How does polythene bags affect environment?it breaksit pollutesboth (A) and (B)noneQuestion 9 of 1710. How does the germs of disease grow?when left untouchedwhen thrown awaywhen left in garbage binnone of theseQuestion 10 of 1711. Whose hurt melts down like polythene bag?poet’smen’swomen’snone of theseQuestion 11 of 1712. Who occupies a prominent position in Oriya literature?Periasamy ThooranDurga Prasad PandaLaxmi Prassed DevkotaNone of theseQuestion 12 of 1713. What happens when we touch a polythene bag?it is decomposedit becomes swallowit makes a short and shrill noiseNone of theseQuestion 13 of 1714. What happens when we burn it?it becomes volatileit turns into ashit gives a poisonous smellNone of theseQuestion 14 of 1715. What happens when it gets little heated?It vaporisesIt melts downIt becomes solidNone of theseQuestion 15 of 1716. Whose famous works are ‘Sawarani’ and ‘Rays’?Humanyun KabirLaxmi Prasad DevkotaVidyapatiDurga Prasad PandaQuestion 16 of 1717. What has been compared to a polythene bag in the poem?dissolvethe feeling of hurtthe feeling of groansmellQuestion 17 of 17 Loading...
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