MCQ Chapter 2 Panorama English Reader Part – II Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Allergy 1. Which one of the following is a suggestion to avoid allergen?Don’t enclose mattress, box springs and pillows in plastic barrier clothAllow dander-producing animals in the houseRead and understand food labelsnone of theseQuestion 1 of 132. For effective asthama treatment, it is important for a person to consider some other things too besides the obvious signs of the disease.TrueFalseBothNoneQuestion 2 of 133. Often at first, allergy appears In a…………….form.mildallergendewNone of theseQuestion 3 of 134. Genetic and environment risk factors can causeantibodymildimmuneallergiesQuestion 4 of 135. What is the full form of ECP?Eosinophilic Cationic ProteinElementary Cationic ProteinEconomic Cationic ProteinEffective Current PhosphateQuestion 5 of 136. Our basic understanding of allergy has evolved front the discovery in ………………1967196019651966Question 6 of 137. Initially, allergy often appears as seemingly………….condition, such as hay fever during the pollen season.benighbeninbeginbinignQuestion 7 of 138. The most troublesome allergen in North America isitching and painingragweedallergiesragweed pollenQuestion 8 of 139. What is IgE?allergenallergyantibodynone of theseQuestion 9 of 1310. Allergens are of……………..many typesthree typestwo typesfour typesQuestion 10 of 1311. What are allergens?harmless substancesallergic remedyharmfulsubstances producing allergic reactionQuestion 11 of 1312. Dr. Rana S. P. Singh was born on18 January 189623 January 197628 January 197623 March 1879Question 12 of 1313. A powder produced by the male part of a flowerallergenpollallergyPollenQuestion 13 of 13 Loading...
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