MCQ Chapter 2 English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10Me And The Ecology Bit 1. What did the author do for environment?By Awaring PeopleDoing PlantationAvoiding PollutionNone of theseQuestion 1 of 202. To whom the author told that you should not burn the leaves?Mr. CharlesMr. JohnMr. WilliamsNone of theseQuestion 2 of 203. What according to author is good for garden?CompostFertiliserIrrigationNone of theseQuestion 3 of 204. People listened to Jim gladly; for he was an ecology boy.nothingfalsetruenone of theseQuestion 4 of 205. How many blocks away was the post office from Mr. Johnson’s house?fourtwoonethreeQuestion 5 of 206. The narrator found a lot of people outside because it had just turned ………………..insideautumnspringoutsideQuestion 6 of 207. Who messes up Ms. Greene’s yard?AdogThe narratorMr. JohnsonAcalQuestion 7 of 208. The word ‘Compost’ means same asecologygardeningmanurepollutionQuestion 8 of 209. When the narrator went to his house Mr. Johnson ran to hisschoolcarhousegardenQuestion 9 of 2010. Mr. Johnson said he was trying to get to the ………………..EcologyHouseCarPost officeQuestion 10 of 2011. The narrator uses the paper route to ……………….. the people.convincepreachscoldgladQuestion 11 of 2012. Mr. Williams was at his ………………..weekendhouseschoolgardenQuestion 12 of 2013. Who had thrown a gum wrapper on Ms Greene’s lawn?JimJohnsonThe dogWilliamsQuestion 13 of 2014. What form of electricity did the narrator use?same kinddifferent kindother kindnone of theseQuestion 14 of 2015. You shouldn’t take your car when you don’t ……………….. to.needcomegorunQuestion 15 of 2016. We had a lot about ……………….. and ecology in school.pollutiongardenenvironmenttreesQuestion 16 of 2017. At least I made him not ……………….. with his car for once.treadpollutestainnone of theseQuestion 17 of 2018. Choose the antonym of ‘hold’ from the given wordsheapreleasemesssnatchQuestion 18 of 2019. It is very ……………….. work, this ecology bit.unfitboringhardmerry-makingQuestion 19 of 2020. Which animal messes up Ms. Greene’ yard?dogratcowcatQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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