MCQ Chapter 1 Panorama English Reader Part – II Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10January Night 1. At the end of the story, Haiku isContentedConfusedSadAngryQuestion 1 of 292. Munni asked Haiku how he could have peacefully when his crops were being destroyed.TravelledJumpedSleptEatenQuestion 2 of 293. Haiku heard some munching and crunching sounds coming from theGrovesFieldsHouseTerraceQuestion 3 of 294. Munni advised Haiku to hire himself out as aShopkeeperLabourerTenantFarmerQuestion 4 of 295. Haiku worked asA doctorAn EngineerA tenant farmerA supervisorQuestion 5 of 296. What kind of women was Munni.She was very concerned about her incomes and husbandShe was the wife of HaikuShe was a typical housewifeAll of the aboveQuestion 6 of 297. Which of the following work of Premchand was banned by the British Govt. ?Soye VatanNirmalaGodaanNone of theseQuestion 7 of 298. Premchand is originally known as ?Dhanpat MistriDhanpat PandeyDhanpat RaiNone of theseQuestion 8 of 299. Who has written this article “January Night” ?John GalsworthyDr. Rana S. P. SinghPremchandAnton ChekovQuestion 9 of 2910. Who was ‘Jabra’?monkeydogsheepoxQuestion 10 of 2911. Jabra looked ………….. at the fine.warmfrightwaggedfearfullyQuestion 11 of 2912. What kind of woman was Munni.She was very concerned about her incomes and husbandShe was the wife of HaikuShe was a typical housewifeAll of the aboveQuestion 12 of 2913. The litter truth in Haiku’s word come charging at her like a wild………………….birdanimalcrowbeastQuestion 13 of 2914. Haiku curled up drawing his ………….. close against his chin.handskneesfeetmouthQuestion 14 of 2915. Munshi Premchand died in………1836193619261896Question 15 of 2916. Mushi Premchand was also known asMunshi Dhanpat RajDhanpat PremchandRaja Ram RajDhanpat RayQuestion 16 of 2917. Mtinshi Premchand was born at1888178018801870Question 17 of 2918. Munshi Premchand was born inPatnaLucknowMunghyrVaranasiQuestion 18 of 2919. ‘Pratigya’ and ‘Karmabhoomi’ were the well-known works ofGiridharJhaRenuPremchandNone of theseQuestion 19 of 2920. JabrawasHalku’sdogLandlordTanant FarmerNone of theseQuestion 20 of 2921. Munni wanted to buy aKurtiBlanketBangleSareeQuestion 21 of 2922. Jabra barked his………………and trotted on toward the orchard.agreementsettelmentmanagementconfinementQuestion 22 of 2923. ‘Godaan’ is writen by……………..Prem ChandRam ChandraDhyan ChandMohan ChandQuestion 23 of 2924. Why could Haiku not guard his field?due to laginessdue to colddue to his sleepnone of theseQuestion 24 of 2925. Who devastated the field of Haiku?nilgaia ghostJabranone of theseQuestion 25 of 2926. Who entered Halku’s field?Some nilgaisMunniJabraJamindarQuestion 26 of 2927. Jabra looked at him with eyes overflowing with………….affectionhatredlovethreatQuestion 27 of 2928. Suddenlv Jabra picked up the………….of some animal.noisecallingsoundcryQuestion 28 of 2929. The Dipper had not yet……………..half the sky.reacheddeclineclimbedarrivedQuestion 29 of 29 Loading...
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