MCQ Chapter 1 English Panorama II Prose Class 10 Bihar Board Advertisement MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10The Pace For Living 1. The speaker goes in a car at…………….ninety miles an hourfourteen miles an hournineteen miles an hoursixteen miles an hourQuestion 1 of 202. The elderly corn-merchant was a man of…………….dickypropertywealthanxietiesQuestion 2 of 203. The Irish get a subtle truth by the most unlikely…………….comicreproachesapproachesillusrationQuestion 3 of 204. To dine in London and ……………. in New York next day seems to me most satisfactory experiences.lunchbreakfastdinnertoastQuestion 4 of 205. Slow thinkers are terribly….. in the business of getting a living.torturedhandicappedcappeddisabledQuestion 5 of 206. All the tests, today are designed to measure…………….the speed of mindthe speed of a busthe speed of a trainnone of theseQuestion 6 of 207. The chief character of the play wasNarratorAn elderly Com-merchantDublinAn old womanQuestion 7 of 208. Altogether the pace of life was getting too much forThe girlsDublinThe narratorCom merchantQuestion 8 of 209. The agony of modern man is captured byThe Com-merchantJoan LexauDublinR. C. HutchinsonQuestion 9 of 2010. The speaker adores the machines the hurl one about atBatterseaRapid movementDublinNow YorkQuestion 10 of 2011. The elderly Corn-merchant lived inA big Irish country townA small Irish country townDublinEnglandQuestion 11 of 2012. Who was a man of many anxieties?The Corn-merchant’s wifeThe elderly Com-merchantThe narrator himselfThe Corn-merchant’s nephewQuestion 12 of 2013. To dine in London and lunch in New York next day seems to the narratora most satisfactory experiencea superficial sense of dramatoo fasttoo slowQuestion 13 of 2014. Those who do not think fast in the High street nowadays may not get another chance in this world tothink at allthink fastthink slowthink very fastQuestion 14 of 2015. ‘Weak-hearted’ means same asDespairFreakyQuickyDickyQuestion 15 of 2016. He is going to fail in love with girls ……………. in that Order.B. C, AB, A, CA, B, CC, B, AQuestion 16 of 2017. When the narrator goes to cinema, he finds himself ina cheerful moodgreat troublea peculiar seata hopeless fogQuestion 17 of 2018. Illustration means same asfancifuldrawingpaintingexampleQuestion 18 of 2019. The correct meaning of ‘anxieties’ issadnessworrieshappinessangerQuestion 19 of 2020. The antonym of ‘rapid’ issuperficialslowfasthurlQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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