Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 10
Short Questions (with Answers)
1. Who wrote the speech Once Upon a Time?
Answer : Toni Morrison wrote the speech.
2. What prize did Toni Morrison win in 1993?
Answer : She won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
3. Who is the old woman in the story?
Answer : She is a wise and blind woman.
4. Where does the old woman live?
Answer : She lives in a small house outside town.
5. What do the young visitors hold in their hands?
Answer : They hold a bird.
6. What question do the visitors ask the old woman?
Answer : They ask if the bird in their hands is alive or dead.
7. How does the old woman respond to their question?
Answer : She says, “It is in your hands.”
8. Why do the young people visit the old woman?
Answer : They want to test her wisdom.
9. What does the bird symbolize, according to the speaker?
Answer : The bird symbolizes language.
10. What lesson does the old woman teach the visitors?
Answer : She teaches them responsibility and power.
11. What do the young visitors learn from the old woman?
Answer : They learn that the future is in their hands.
12. What does language protect us from?
Answer : Language protects us from the scariness of unnamed things.
13. What is the main message of the speech?
Answer : Language has the power to change the world.
14. What does the blind woman represent?
Answer : She represents wisdom and knowledge.
15. Why do the visitors mock the old woman?
Answer : They think her blindness is a weakness.
16. What happens when the old woman trusts the children?
Answer : She feels they have understood her message.
17. What does the phrase “It is in your hands” mean?
Answer : It means responsibility lies with you.
18. What quality does the old woman show in the story?
Answer : She shows patience and wisdom.
19. Why does the old woman shift the focus to the young people?
Answer : To make them realize their responsibility.
20. What does the story teach about power?
Answer : Power should be used responsibly and wisely.
Medium Questions (with Answers)
1. Why do the young people visit the old woman?
Answer : The young people visit the old woman to challenge her wisdom and mock her blindness by asking her to determine if a bird they hold is alive or dead.
2. How does the old woman teach the visitors about responsibility?
Answer : The old woman teaches them about responsibility by stating, “It is in your hands,” making them realize their power to decide the bird’s fate and emphasizing accountability.
3. What does the bird symbolize in the story?
Answer : The bird symbolizes language, representing its power to either nurture or destroy, depending on how it is used.
4. What is the significance of the old woman’s blindness?
Answer : Her blindness symbolizes her deeper insight and wisdom, showing that understanding transcends physical sight.
5. How does the old woman respond to the young people’s mockery?
She responds calmly, turning the focus onto the young people’s actions, teaching them a lesson on responsibility and the misuse of power.
6. What role does language play in the speech?
Answer : Language is portrayed as a transformative tool, capable of connecting people, fostering understanding, and bringing meaningful change.
7. What lesson does the old woman give through her words?
Answer : Her words emphasize the importance of choice and responsibility, reminding the visitors that outcomes are determined by their actions.
8. What does the story teach about power and responsibility?
Answer : It teaches that with power comes responsibility and the need to use it wisely to avoid harm or misuse.
9. What do the children realize after the encounter with the old woman?
Answer : They realize the importance of wisdom, respect, and accountability for their actions.
10. How does the old woman shift the focus from herself to the young people?
Answer : By highlighting that the bird’s fate is “in your hands,” she makes them reflect on their own responsibilities instead of her limitations.
11. Why is the phrase “It is in your hands” important?
Answer : It conveys the essence of personal responsibility and the power individuals hold over outcomes.
12. What does the old woman symbolize in the story?
Answer : She represents wisdom, resilience, and the deeper understanding that comes from life experience.
13. How does the story connect to the idea of language?
Answer : Language, like the bird, holds immense potential and responsibility, emphasizing its careful and thoughtful use.
14. What does the story teach about respect?
Answer : It shows the importance of respecting wisdom and valuing those who guide us, regardless of their perceived limitations.
15. How does the old woman inspire trust in the children?
Answer : By demonstrating understanding and belief in their potential, she inspires them to act responsibly and wisely.
Long Questions (with Answers)
1. What is the main message of Toni Morrison’s speech?
Answer : The main message is the importance of language and responsibility. Language is compared to a bird, which can bring life or death depending on its use. Morrison emphasizes that how we use language shapes the world. The speech also teaches lessons about power and respect.
2. How does the old woman use the bird to teach a lesson?
Answer : The old woman uses the bird as a symbol of responsibility. When asked if the bird is alive or dead, she says, “It is in your hands.” This makes the young visitors realize they control the bird’s fate, teaching them about the consequences of their actions.
3. What does the bird symbolize in the speech?
Answer : The bird symbolizes language and its power to create or destroy. Just like the bird’s life depends on the visitors, the impact of language depends on its user. The story teaches that language should be used with care and responsibility.
4. Why does the old woman say, “I trust you now”?
Answer : The old woman says this after the children learn their lesson. She feels they understand the importance of responsibility and power. Her words show that trust is earned through understanding and growth.
5. What role does the old woman play in the story?
Answer : The old woman is a symbol of wisdom and insight. Despite her blindness, she teaches the young people a powerful lesson about responsibility. Her calm and thoughtful response inspires them to think deeply about their actions.
6. What does the story teach about the power of language?
Answer : The story shows that language has the power to shape ideas and actions. It can create positive change or cause harm, depending on how it is used. The story encourages people to use language responsibly and thoughtfully.
7. How do the young visitors change after meeting the old woman?
Answer : The young visitors start by mocking the old woman, but they leave with a lesson. Her words make them realize their responsibility and power. They understand the importance of respect and thoughtful actions.
8. What does the phrase “It is in your hands” teach us about life?
Answer : This phrase reminds us that we are responsible for our choices and actions. It shows that power lies in how we decide to act. The story uses this phrase to teach lessons about responsibility and decision-making.
9. How does the story connect wisdom and responsibility?
Answer : The old woman’s wisdom helps the young visitors realize their responsibility. She shifts the focus from herself to their actions, teaching them a life lesson. The story shows that wisdom involves understanding and guiding others.
10. Why is respect a key theme in the story?
Answer : The young people begin by mocking the old woman but end up respecting her wisdom. The story teaches that respect is essential for learning and growth. It shows that true power comes from understanding and kindness.
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