MCQ Indian Television And Media SET 3ALL MCQ For Indian Television And Media 1. Who among the following is responsible for the content aired in a television news channel?editor in chiefreportersub editoranchorQuestion 1 of 152. NDTV was founded byprannoy roy and radhika royrajdeep sardesaiarnab goswaminone of the aboveQuestion 2 of 153. Which among the following is not an international channel?al-jazeera englishbbcndtvfox newsQuestion 3 of 154. Which is the educational television channel by government of Kerala?outboxkite victersdd malayalamedu-liveQuestion 4 of 155. ENG stands forelectronic news generationelectronic news gatheringessential news gatheringeffective news generationQuestion 5 of 156. MCR stands formain control roommain coordinating roommaster control roommaster camera roomQuestion 6 of 157. The commands given from the PCR to the anchor to start the show is termed asdcueclaptalk backratQuestion 7 of 158. A device that scrolls the text in front of the camera for the anchor to read istele-readertele-viewertele prompterscrollerQuestion 8 of 159. The space on the television screen where the news appears as text is calledtext bandtickergraphicstext viewerQuestion 9 of 1510. The ideal duration of a television news bulletin is15 min30 min20 min60 minQuestion 10 of 1511. A tele-prompter is placedbehind the camerabehind the anchorin front of the cameraat the pcrQuestion 11 of 1512. Which of the following microphones is used for anchoring a news bulletin?lavaliere microphonehandheld microphoneRF microphoneboom micQuestion 12 of 1513. Chroma key is used in Television Production forlightingcolouringremoval of backgroundall the aboveQuestion 13 of 1514. A news package isa draft news reportan edited news story with visuals, voice over and bites a rundowna news bulletinQuestion 14 of 1515. Who among the following invented the cinematograph?lumiere brothersmani sethnadada saheb phalkedhirendra nath gangulyQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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