Root word,Prefix and Suffix Vocabulary in Hindi
मूल शब्द (Root Word):
मूल शब्द वह शब्द होता है, जिसमें किसी भी प्रकार का उपसर्ग या प्रत्यय नहीं जुड़ा होता। यह शब्द स्वयं में पूर्ण अर्थ व्यक्त करता है।
- संग्रह → एकत्र करने के लिए → संग्रहण, संग्रहित, संकलन
- निर्माण → बनाने के लिए → निर्माता, निर्माणकर्ता, निर्माणाधीन
- समस्या → हल करने के लिए → समाधान, समस्याग्रस्त, समस्या समाधान
- उत्साह → प्रेरित करने के लिए → उत्साहित, उत्साही, उत्साहवर्धक
- प्रभाव → प्रभावित करने के लिए → प्रभावित, प्रभावशाली, प्रभावक
- सपना → देखने के लिए → सपने देखना, सपना देखना, सपनावादी
- सहायता → मदद करने के लिए → सहायक, सहायता देना, सहायक कार्य
- शक्ति → शक्तिशाली बनाने के लिए → शक्तिशाली, शक्ति वर्धन, शक्तिमान
- यात्रा → जाने के लिए → यात्री, यात्रा करना, यात्रा मार्ग
- संसार → जीने के लिए → संसारिक, संसारवासी, संसारधार
उपसर्ग (Prefix):
उपसर्ग वह शब्दांश होते हैं जो किसी शब्द के पहले जुड़कर नए अर्थ का निर्माण करते हैं। उपसर्ग शब्द के अर्थ में बदलाव लाते हैं।
- अ + विकसित = अविकसित (अर्थ: विकसित नहीं)
- अ + सकारात्मक = असकारात्मक (अर्थ: नकारात्मक)
प्रमुख उपसर्ग:
- अ, अन, अति, अप, अभ, पर, निर, आदि।
प्रत्यय (Suffix):
प्रत्यय वह शब्दांश होते हैं जो किसी शब्द के अंत में जुड़कर नए शब्द का निर्माण करते हैं। प्रत्यय शब्द के अर्थ या गुण में परिवर्तन करते हैं।
- खिल + ाड़ी = खिलाड़ी (अर्थ: जो खेलता है)
- संग + ी = संगी (अर्थ: साथ देने वाला)
प्रमुख प्रत्यय:
- इय, य, क, ए, इन, आ, आदि।
Root word,Prefix and Suffix Vocabulary in English
What is a Root Word?
A root word is the primary word that holds the main meaning, which can be expanded with the addition of prefixes and suffixes.
List of Root Words with Examples
- “aud” – Hear: Audio, Audience, Audible
- “bene” – Good/Well: Benefit, Benevolent, Beneficial
- “chron” – Time: Chronology, Chronic, Synchronize
- “cide” – Kill: Homicide, Suicide, Genocide
- “geo” – Earth: Geography, Geology, Geometry
- “meter/metr” – Measure: Thermometer, Perimeter, Barometer
- “micro” – Small: Microscope, Microbe, Microbiology
- “path” – Feeling/Disease: Sympathy, Empathy, Pathology
- “phon” – Sound: Telephone, Phonetics, Symphony
- “photo” – Light: Photograph, Photosynthesis, Photogenic
- “rupt” – Break: Interrupt, Erupt, Corrupt
- “scrib/script” – Write: Scribble, Inscription, Description
- “spec” – Look/See: Spectator, Inspect, Perspective
- “struct” – Build: Structure, Construct, Destruction
- “vid/vis” – See: Video, Vision, Invisible
- “therm” – Heat: Thermometer, Thermal, Thermostat
- “tract” – Drag/Draw: Attract, Tractor, Contract
- “vac” – Empty: Vacuum, Vacant, Evacuate
- “ven/vent” – Come: Convene, Adventure, Prevent
- “volv” – Roll/Turn: Revolve, Evolve, Involve
- “logy” – Study: Biology, Zoology, Archaeology
A prefix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
Examples of Prefixes:
- Un- (not) → Unhappy (not happy)
- Re- (again) → Replay (to play again)
- Dis- (opposite) → Disagree (to not agree)
- Pre- (before) → Prehistoric (before history)
List of Common Prefixes:
- Un- (not): Unhappy, Unclear, Unlikely
- Re- (again): Rewrite, Rebuild, Revisit
- Dis- (opposite): Disconnect, Dislike, Disapprove
- Sub- (under, below): Subway, Submarine, Substandard
- Pre- (before): Preview, Predict, Precede
A suffix is a set of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or function.
Examples of Suffixes:
- -ful (full of) → Beautiful (full of beauty)
- -less (without) → Fearless (without fear)
- -able (capable of) → Readable (capable of being read)
- -er (person who) → Teacher (a person who teaches)
List of Common Suffixes:
- -ful (full of): Joyful, Hopeful, Successful
- -less (without): Hopeless, Careless, Fearless
- -able (capable of): Enjoyable, Comfortable, Understandable
- -er (person who does something): Singer, Teacher, Worker
- -ment (action or process): Achievement, Improvement, Development
Combining Prefixes & Suffixes:
A root word can be combined with both a prefix and a suffix to create a more complex word.
- Root word: Act
- Prefix: Re- → React (to respond to something)
- Suffix: -ion → Action (the process of doing something)
- Both Prefix & Suffix: Re- + Act + -ion → Reaction (the process of responding to something)
Practice Question:
- Choose the correct meaning of the word “Disillusion”
a) A state of having beliefs
b) The process of losing hope
c) A belief that something is true
d) A dream-like state
Answer: b) The process of losing hope - What is the suffix in the word “Happiness”?
a) -ness
b) -ful
c) -less
d) -able
Answer: a) -ness - Choose the word with the correct prefix to complete the sentence:
“She is an ___professional.”
a) un-
b) pre-
c) dis-
d) re-
Answer: a) un- - Which word is formed by adding the correct suffix to the root word “love”?
a) Lovely
b) Loveless
c) Loveable
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above - What is the root word in “Unhappiness”?
a) Happy
b) Un
c) Ness
d) None of the above
Answer: a) Happy - Choose the word that has a prefix: “He was an __important person in the meeting.”
a) Re
b) Un
c) Pre
d) Sub
Answer: b) Un - The word “Misinterpret” contains the prefix “mis-“. What does “mis-” mean?
a) Completely
b) Incorrectly
c) Repeatedly
d) Before
Answer: b) Incorrectly - Choose the correct word formed by adding the appropriate suffix:
“Her actions were ____ and admirable.”
a) Successful
b) Success
c) Succeed
d) Succeeding
Answer: a) Successful - Which of the following words is formed by adding a suffix?
a) Unbelievable
b) Unknown
c) Rebuild
d) Dislike
Answer: a) Unbelievable - Which of the following words is formed by adding a prefix and suffix?
a) Playable
b) Unbelievable
c) Enjoyable
d) Reassurance
Answer: b) Unbelievable
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