MCQ Spellings CorrectionALL MCQ For Spellings CorrectionSet 4 1. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGPeripheryAdvurtiseCourteousIndefiniteQuestion 1 of 202. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGLovelyLudicrucous LonesomeLogicalQuestion 2 of 203. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGBoundary ExhibitDepresionDemonstrationQuestion 3 of 204. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGPergeUrge MergeSurgeQuestion 4 of 205. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGReputeRefuse ConfuseDesputeQuestion 5 of 206. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGOverhaulLenient NationalismTransferedQuestion 6 of 207. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGQuarreled MirraculousRebelliousCommissionQuestion 7 of 208. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGImperativeImmature ImminentIlicitQuestion 8 of 209. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGChemistryGeography CommerceAll correctQuestion 9 of 2010. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGRighteousnessInflamable NegotiateMusicianQuestion 10 of 2011. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGNephewAthleticManualAmatureQuestion 11 of 2012. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGRationPassion TutionFashionQuestion 12 of 2013. Find out that word, which spelling is WRONGAppraiseBehaviorMentanenceCommendQuestion 13 of 2014. Find the correctly spelt words.Entrepreneur EntrapreneurEntrepraneur EnterprenuerQuestion 14 of 2015. Find the correctly spelt words.OffspringExterminatte RreffereInexpliccableQuestion 15 of 2016. Find the correctly spelt words.Eflorescence EfllorescenceEfflorescenceEfflorascenceQuestion 16 of 2017. Find the correctly spelt words.ExampelMedicine SampalFurnituerQuestion 17 of 2018. Find the correctly spelt words.Grief RecieveDiceiveeBreifQuestion 18 of 2019. Find the correctly spelt words.LicentiousSwelte FilpantPuessileQuestion 19 of 2020. Find the correctly spelt words.SkriptureScripturScripture ScripherQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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