MCQ on Root word, Prefix and Suffix Vocabulary 6 to 10 Class & Competitive Exam with Answer 1. What does the prefix "un-" mean?To make or causeNot or opposite ofBeforeThroughQuestion 1 of 202. Which of the following is a suffix that means "having the qualities of"?-er-ly-ful-nessQuestion 2 of 203. What is the root word in the term "renew"?NewReRenewNewnessQuestion 3 of 204. The prefix "pre-" means:AfterBeforeAgainWithoutQuestion 4 of 205. What does the suffix "-able" mean?Capable of beingTo makeIn a state ofRelated toQuestion 5 of 206. Which word contains the prefix "anti-"?AnticipateAntidoteAntennaAntibioticQuestion 6 of 207. What does the root word "bene-" mean?BadGood or wellHealthSmallQuestion 7 of 208. Which suffix is used to form a noun that refers to a person?-ment-er-ous-nessQuestion 8 of 209. The prefix "dis-" means:To reverseAgainUnderWithQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the meaning of the suffix "-ology"?The study ofThe practice ofThe ability toFull ofQuestion 10 of 2011. Which of the following words contains the root "audi-" meaning "hear"?AudioAutomaticAutographAuditoryQuestion 11 of 2012. What does the prefix "sub-" mean?AboveBelow or underBeyondWithoutQuestion 12 of 2013. What does the suffix "-ment" typically form?AdjectivesVerbsNounsAdverbsQuestion 13 of 2014. The root word "chron-" relates to:LightTimeSoundNatureQuestion 14 of 2015. Which word contains the prefix "trans-" meaning "across"?TransportTranslateTransparentAll of the aboveQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the suffix "-ness" typically form?Nouns indicating quality or stateAdjectives indicating comparisonVerbs indicating actionNouns indicating locationQuestion 16 of 2017. The root word "port-" means:LightCarrySpeakWriteQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of the following is a word formed using the suffix "-able"?ComfortReadableFriendHappyQuestion 18 of 2019. The prefix "in-" often means:Not or intoBeforeAfterThroughQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the root word "graph-" mean?LightWrite or drawMeasureSoundQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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