MCQ on Multiple Meanings(Contextual Usage) 6 to 10 Class & Competitive Exam with Answer 1. What does the word "bat" mean in the context of a flying mammal?A tool used for hitting the ballA flying mammalA tree coveringA type of weaponQuestion 1 of 202. What is the meaning of "bat" in the context of sports equipment?A flying mammalA tool used for hitting the ballA piece of clothingA part of a treeQuestion 2 of 203. In the sentence "The bank of the river was beautiful," what does "bank" refer to?A financial institutionA side of a riverA place where money is keptA type of boatQuestion 3 of 204. In the sentence "She works at the bank," what does "bank" refer to?A side of a riverA place for storing moneyA place for planting treesA boat used in riversQuestion 4 of 205. What is the meaning of "bark" in the sentence "The dog began to bark"?The outer covering of a treeA type of plantThe sound made by a dogThe inner part of a treeQuestion 5 of 206. What does "bark" mean in the context of a tree?The sound a dog makesThe outer covering of a treeThe part of the tree that absorbs waterA fruit of the treeQuestion 6 of 207. What does the word "bow" mean when used in the sentence "He gave a polite bow"?A weapon for shooting arrowsTo bend forward in greetingA type of treeA part of the shipQuestion 7 of 208. In the sentence "He used a bow to shoot arrows," what does "bow" refer to?A type of plantA weapon for shooting arrowsTo bend forward in greetingA part of a treeQuestion 8 of 209. What does "lead" mean when referring to a metal?To guide or show the wayA heavy metalA light materialTo steer or directQuestion 9 of 2010. In the sentence "She will lead the team to victory," what does "lead" mean?A heavy metalTo guide or show the wayA tool for measurementTo tear somethingQuestion 10 of 2011. What is the meaning of "tear" in the context of "Be careful not to tear the paper"?A drop of water from the eyeTo rip or damageTo fix somethingA soft sound made by fabricQuestion 11 of 2012. In the sentence "A tear fell from her eye," what does "tear" refer to?A drop of water from the eyeTo rip or damageA fabric materialA part of the treeQuestion 12 of 2013. What does "right" mean in the context of "You gave the right answer"?The directionThe correct or accurate answerA part of the bodyA bright colorQuestion 13 of 2014. What does "right" refer to when talking about direction?CorrectA placeA direction (opposite of left)A colorQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the word "light" mean in the sentence "This bag is very light"?BrightnessA soft textureNot heavyA source of energyQuestion 15 of 2016. In the sentence "The light from the lamp was too bright," what does "light" refer to?Not heavyA source of brightnessA source of energyA soft materialQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the word "match" mean in the sentence "They won the match"?A contest or competitionA tool for lighting a fireTo pair objectsA type of materialQuestion 17 of 2018. What does "match" mean in the context of "The curtains match the sofa perfectly"?To pair or be equalA contestA tool for lighting a fireA season of the yearQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the word "spring" mean in the sentence "Flowers bloom in spring"?A coiled metalThe season after winterA tool for shooting arrowsA loud noiseQuestion 19 of 2020. In the sentence "The mattress has a spring inside," what does "spring" refer to?A season of the yearA coiled metalA type of flowerA directionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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