MCQ Chapter 7 Class 8 English Rainbow UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8Veer Abdul Hamid 1. What did Abdul Hamid tell his soldiers before dying?RetreatStop fightingMove forward and fight onCall for reinforcementsQuestion 1 of 202. Where is the Indo-Pak border mentioned in the story?AmritsarCheemaKhemkaranLahoreQuestion 2 of 203. Who were Abdul Hamid’s parents?Sakina Begum and Mohammad UsmanZainab Begum and Ahmad KhanAmina Begum and Mohammad AliFatima Begum and Usman AliQuestion 3 of 204. What is the meaning of “grenadier”?A gunnerA tank operatorA soldier who throws grenadesA riflemanQuestion 4 of 205. What does “march forward” mean in the context of the lesson?RetreatAdvance in an organized mannerWait for ordersDefend the baseQuestion 5 of 206. What does the word "wounded" mean?DecoratedInjuredRewardedCelebratedQuestion 6 of 207. Which road were the Pakistani tanks advancing on?Ghazipur RoadBhikhiwind-Amritsar RoadCheema-Khemkaran RoadDelhi-Lahore RoadQuestion 7 of 208. Why did Abdul Hamid not waste his shots?He was out of ammunition.He wanted to hit the tanks with each shot.He was waiting for reinforcements.He was hesitant to fight.Question 8 of 209. How did the Pakistani soldiers react after losing their tanks?They attacked harder.They fled.They called for reinforcements.They surrendered.Question 9 of 2010. What did the Pakistani tanks symbolize in the battle?SpeedPower and dangerWeaknessDefenseQuestion 10 of 2011. What does "continually" mean in the story?OccasionallyRepeatedlySlowlyRarelyQuestion 11 of 2012. What inspired the soldiers of Abdul Hamid's company?His braveryHis orders to retreatHis escape from the battleThe arrival of reinforcementsQuestion 12 of 2013. What does "revered" mean in the lesson?IgnoredCelebrated and respectedForgottenCriticizedQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the meaning of "posthumously" in the context of awards?Awarded before the eventAwarded after deathAwarded during the eventAwarded during retirementQuestion 14 of 2015. What was the main motto of Abdul Hamid’s orders during the battle?Defend at all costsKeep moving forwardWait for helpHide from the enemyQuestion 15 of 2016. What emotion is expressed with the interjection “Alas!”?JoySorrowSurpriseAngerQuestion 16 of 2017. What did the flames from the burning tanks symbolize?FearVictory over the enemyDanger to the soldiersReinforcements arrivingQuestion 17 of 2018. What does "good shot" refer to in the lesson?A talented marksmanA soldier with good luckA soldier who marches wellA commander with good strategyQuestion 18 of 2019. What was the date of the battle where Abdul Hamid displayed his bravery?1st July 19656th September 196510th September 196515th September 1965Question 19 of 2020. What legacy does Abdul Hamid leave behind?The name of his villageHis bravery in the 1965 warHis posthumous awardAll of the aboveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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