MCQ Chapter 7 Class 8 English Rainbow UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8Veer Abdul Hamid 1. When was Abdul Hamid born?10th September 19651st July 19336th September 196515th August 1947Question 1 of 202. In which village was Abdul Hamid born?BhikhiwindKhemkaranDhamupurCheemaQuestion 2 of 203. Abdul Hamid belonged to which district in Uttar Pradesh?GhaziabadGhazipurAmrohaKanpurQuestion 3 of 204. What rank did Abdul Hamid hold in the Indian Army?MajorHavildarCaptainLieutenantQuestion 4 of 205. Which war did Abdul Hamid fight in?1947 Indo-Pak War1965 Indo-Pak War1971 Indo-Pak WarKargil WarQuestion 5 of 206. What weapon was Abdul Hamid using during the battle?RifleMachine gunSpecial gunGrenadeQuestion 6 of 207. Which sector was the battle fought in?Cheema sectorKhemkaran sectorGhazipur sectorAmritsar sectorQuestion 7 of 208. What was Abdul Hamid’s company called?4 Regiment Company4 Grenadiers Company4 Infantry Company4 Artillery CompanyQuestion 8 of 209. What type of tanks did the Pakistani regiment use?Sherman TanksLeopard TanksPatton TanksT-90 TanksQuestion 9 of 2010. How many tanks did Abdul Hamid destroy?2345Question 10 of 2011. What happened to Abdul Hamid’s jeep during the battle?It was capturedIt ran out of ammunitionIt was hit by an enemy shellIt was abandonedQuestion 11 of 2012. What award was Abdul Hamid given posthumously?Mahavir ChakraParam Vir ChakraShaurya ChakraVir ChakraQuestion 12 of 2013. What is Abdul Hamid’s village now known as?Hamid NagarHamidpurHamid DhamHamid VillageQuestion 13 of 2014. When did the battle in the Khemkaran sector start?6th September 196510th September 196515th September 196520th September 1965Question 14 of 2015. What was the main strategy of Abdul Hamid in the battle?Attack tanks head-onAmbush the tanksDestroy the tanks one by oneRetreat and regroupQuestion 15 of 2016. Which word describes Abdul Hamid’s attitude during the battle?HesitantRecklessBraveFearfulQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the motto of the Indian Army?Touch the Sky with GloryService before SelfJai HindAlways BraveQuestion 17 of 2018. What does "posthumously" mean?During lifeAfter deathBefore battleDuring the warQuestion 18 of 2019. Which branch of the Indian Armed Forces has the motto “Touch the Sky with Glory”?Indian ArmyIndian NavyIndian Air ForceIndian Coast GuardQuestion 19 of 2020. What emotion is expressed with the interjection “Hurrah!”?SorrowJoyWonderSurpriseQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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