MCQ Chapter 3 Class 8 English Rainbow UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8The Right Choice 1. What was the occasion for Rakesh’s excitement?His birthdayHis last day of examsA family celebrationA school competitionQuestion 1 of 202. Why did Rakesh’s mother stop him from going to Mukesh’s room?Mukesh was sleepingMukesh’s exams were not overMukesh was unwellMukesh was not at homeQuestion 2 of 203. What was the problem with the table lamp in Mukesh’s room?It was brokenIt was not workingIt was missingIt had been replacedQuestion 3 of 204. What did Rakesh’s mother ask him to do?Fix the lampCall the electricianCall MukeshBuy a new lampQuestion 4 of 205. Why did Mukesh want to fix the lamp himself?He wanted to prove his skillsHe was eager to use his toolkitHe didn’t trust the electricianHe wanted to impress his motherQuestion 5 of 206. How did Mukesh feel while looking at his toolkit?FrustratedDisinterestedEagerConfusedQuestion 6 of 207. Who repaired the lamp in the end?RakeshMukeshThe electricianThe motherQuestion 7 of 208. What did Mr. Yadav say about Mukesh?Mukesh is carelessMukesh is a brilliant studentMukesh is an expert electricianMukesh is good at fixing lampsQuestion 8 of 209. What was the result of Mukesh’s exams?He failedHe passedHe topped the classHe was promotedQuestion 9 of 2010. What did Mukesh want to do instead of going to college?Join a jobLearn a trade courseTravel the worldStay at homeQuestion 10 of 2011. Where did Mukesh gain admission?A prestigious collegeA Technical Training InstituteA university abroadA local schoolQuestion 11 of 2012. What event took place a couple of years later?Mukesh got a jobMukesh set up a new shopMukesh graduated from collegeMukesh moved to another cityQuestion 12 of 2013. Who inaugurated Mukesh’s shop?His parentsHis brother RakeshMr. YadavA local leaderQuestion 13 of 2014. Why did Mukesh’s parents not want him to fix the lamp?They thought it was dangerousThey wanted him to focus on his studiesThey preferred the electrician’s helpThey thought Mukesh was too youngQuestion 14 of 2015. What quality does Mukesh exhibit by fixing the lamp?CuriosityPerseveranceSkillfulnessAll of the aboveQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the story emphasize about decision-making?It should be based on advice from othersIt should align with one’s passion and skillsIt should focus on financial gainsIt should be delayed until after studiesQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the word 'sternly' mean in the story?KindlyStrictlyGentlySoftlyQuestion 17 of 2018. What was Mukesh’s hobby?StudyingFixing electrical appliancesPaintingWriting storiesQuestion 18 of 2019. Why did Mukesh succeed in his passion?Because of his parents’ wealthBecause he made the right choiceBecause of his brother’s helpBecause of luckQuestion 19 of 2020. What was the family celebrating at the end of the story?Mukesh’s birthdayThe inauguration of Mukesh’s shopMukesh’s exam resultsA family reunionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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