MCQ Chapter 2 Class 8 English Rainbow UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8The kabuliwallah 1. Why was Mini called a chatterbox?She talked a lotShe wrote a lotShe played a lotShe laughed a lotQuestion 1 of 202. What did Mini say Bhola told her about the rain?Rain is caused by thunderRain is blown by the elephant in the cloudsRain comes from riversRain is created by magicQuestion 2 of 203. Why was Mini afraid of the Kabuliwallah at first?He shouted at herShe had heard he caught children in sacksHe looked scaryHe was very tallQuestion 3 of 204. What was the name of the Kabuliwallah?RehmanRahimRustomKarimQuestion 4 of 205. What would the Kabuliwallah carry in his sack?Fruits and dry fruitsToysClothesBooksQuestion 5 of 206. Why did the Kabuliwallah visit Mini's house?To collect moneyTo talk with MiniTo deliver goodsTo meet Mini's fatherQuestion 6 of 207. Why was the Kabuliwallah arrested?He stole moneyHe stabbed a manHe kidnapped a childHe argued with a customerQuestion 7 of 208. What did the Kabuliwallah give Mini before leaving for his country?A dollDry fruitsA letterMoneyQuestion 8 of 209. How did Mini’s father feel after meeting the Kabuliwallah during the wedding preparations?SadAngryHappyConfusedQuestion 9 of 2010. What did Mini’s father sacrifice to help the Kabuliwallah?Wedding lights and bandMini’s jewelryWedding foodWedding venueQuestion 10 of 2011. What was Mini’s age when she met the Kabuliwallah?Four years oldFive years oldSix years oldSeven years oldQuestion 11 of 2012. What did Mini call out to the Kabuliwallah from the window?"Go away!""Ae Kabuliwallah!""Help me!""Who are you?"Question 12 of 2013. What was the Kabuliwallah’s reaction when he saw Mini dressed as a bride?He felt happyHe was shockedHe was angryHe felt proudQuestion 13 of 2014. Where was the Kabuliwallah originally from?IndiaAfghanistanPakistanPersiaQuestion 14 of 2015. Why did the Kabuliwallah carry nuts and raisins?To eat himselfTo sell to customersTo gift to childrenFor religious purposesQuestion 15 of 2016. What did the Kabuliwallah imagine when he gave the dry fruits to Mini?His own daughterMini’s motherHis wifeMini’s futureQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Mini’s father think after hearing the Kabuliwallah’s story?He was angry with himHe sympathized with himHe ignored himHe doubted himQuestion 17 of 2018. What crime did Rehman commit?TheftStabbing a manHarming MiniFraudQuestion 18 of 2019. How did Mini’s father recognize Rehman after years?By his voiceBy his appearanceBy his behaviorBy his clothesQuestion 19 of 2020. What did the Kabuliwallah ask to do before leaving Mini’s house during the wedding?To see MiniTo join the weddingTo eat dinnerTo take moneyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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