MCQ Chapter 17 Class 8 English Rainbow UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8The School Boy 1. Dr. Ambedkar believed the cultivation of what should be the aim of human existence?KnowledgePowerFameWealthQuestion 1 of 192. What distinguishes a “great man” according to Dr. Ambedkar?His wealthHis dedication to societyHis leadershipHis knowledgeQuestion 2 of 193. Which quality did Dr. Ambedkar admire in a religion?Teaching of truthLiberty, equality, and fraternityWorship of natureRespect for eldersQuestion 3 of 194. Dr. Ambedkar was India’s first:PresidentLaw MinisterPrime MinisterSocial reformerQuestion 4 of 195. “The bird cannot sing in a cage.” What figure of speech is used here?SimileMetaphorPersonificationAlliterationQuestion 5 of 196. Which word best describes the school boy’s mood?CheerfulJoylessAngryExcitedQuestion 6 of 197. What does the phrase “withers” refer to?Becoming strongerFading awayBloomingRisingQuestion 7 of 198. What does the word “sighing” mean as used in the poem?Smiling with joyBreathing deeply out of sadnessShouting loudlyLaughing softlyQuestion 8 of 199. How does the boy describe the effect of fear on a child?It strengthens their spiritIt droops their tender wingIt inspires them to work harderIt makes them playfulQuestion 9 of 1910. In the poem, who does the boy address directly for understanding?The teacherHis friendsFather and motherThe birdsQuestion 10 of 1911. Which word from the poem refers to "something taken away forcefully"?AnnoyStrippedNippedDroopQuestion 11 of 1912. Why does the poet compare a child to a bird in a cage?To show their freedom and joyTo explain their physical growthTo emphasize loss of happiness and restrictionTo highlight their beautyQuestion 12 of 1913. What does the poet ask in the final stanza?How school brings happinessHow summer fruits will appear without joyWhy children play outside in summerWhy birds sing early in the morningQuestion 13 of 1914. Which movement did Dr. Ambedkar spend his life fighting against?Economic inequalitySocial discriminationPolitical corruptionReligious conflictsQuestion 14 of 1915. Dr. Ambedkar supported the rights of which groups?FarmersScientists and teachersWomen and laborKings and leadersQuestion 15 of 1916. What is one of Dr. Ambedkar’s inspiring quotes?“Work hard and rise.”“Life should be great rather than long.”“Patience is the key to success.”“History is made by the strongest.”Question 16 of 1917. What profession other than politics is associated with Dr. Ambedkar?ArtistJurist and economistFarmerArchitectQuestion 17 of 1918. Dr. Ambedkar believed that self-help is the:Only way to surviveBest helpKey to happinessDoor to successQuestion 18 of 1919. How did Dr. Ambedkar describe a "great man"?One who serves society selflesslyOne who fights for powerOne who follows traditions blindlyOne who earns wealth for his familyQuestion 19 of 19 Loading...
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