MCQ Chapter 17 Class 8 English Rainbow UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8The School Boy 1. What does the boy love about the summer morning?The birds singingGoing to schoolThe huntsman’s hornBoth (a) and (c)Question 1 of 202. What drives all joy away for the school boy?Playing in the fieldGoing to school on a summer mornSinging with birdsReading booksQuestion 2 of 203. What does “cruel eye outworn” in stanza 2 refer to?Noisy classroomDifficult lessonsDull, uninspiring school lifeFear of punishmentQuestion 3 of 204. What does the boy compare himself to?A flying birdA bird in a cageA blooming flowerA lion in a jungleQuestion 4 of 205. Why does the boy mention a plant that withers?To show the joy of summerTo describe how children lose their happinessTo describe a beautiful gardenTo compare school to natureQuestion 5 of 206. Which line suggests that a child feels fearful?“The birds sing on every tree”“The little ones spend the day in sighing”“By sorrow and cares dismay”“When fears annoy”Question 6 of 207. What happens when the buds are nipped?They bloom beautifullyThey blossom quicklyTheir joy is taken awayThey become strongQuestion 7 of 208. Which season is described as joyful in the poem?SummerWinterSpringAutumnQuestion 8 of 209. What happens to the “tender plants” in the poem?They grow quicklyThey are stripped of joyThey bloom in joyThey die immediatelyQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the effect of sorrow and care on a child?They grow strongerThey feel happyTheir youthful spirit droopsThey study harderQuestion 10 of 2011. What is the meaning of “droop”?Rise upBend downwardStand firmFly highQuestion 11 of 2012. Find the antonym of “sour” from the poem.JoyfulSweetHardRiseQuestion 12 of 2013. What is the antonym of “rise”?DropStandFallSitQuestion 13 of 2014. Which word means "to cut off quickly"?StrippedNippedDroopedSighingQuestion 14 of 2015. Which word means "to trouble or disturb"?DroopAnnoySighingWoundQuestion 15 of 2016. What was Dr. Ambedkar’s popular title?GurujiBaba SahebMahatmaPanditQuestion 16 of 2017. What was Dr. Ambedkar’s role in Independent India?First Prime MinisterConstitution architectSocial reformerScientistQuestion 17 of 2018. What does Dr. Ambedkar measure community progress by?Wealth of peopleWomen’s progressEducation for allEquality among menQuestion 18 of 2019. What was Dr. Ambedkar’s profession?HistorianLawyer and politicianDoctorScientistQuestion 19 of 2020. Which of these quotes is by Dr. Ambedkar?“Liberty, equality and fraternity.”“Work is worship.”“Let us learn and rise.”“Be the change you wish to see.”Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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