MCQ Chapter 10 Class 8 English Rainbow UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 8A Hero 1. What habit did Swami’s father want him to develop?Studying dailySleeping aloneReading newspapersWaking up earlyQuestion 1 of 202. What role does Swami’s father play in the story?A strict and supportive guideA careless parentA frightened manAn angry teacherQuestion 2 of 203. What was Swami's act of bravery?Saving a birdCapturing a burglarFighting a tigerRunning from a ghostQuestion 3 of 204. Where was Swami's bravery story first mentioned?A TV newsA school noticeboardMalgudi TimesHis father's diaryQuestion 4 of 205. What did Swami feel under the blanket?Cold windGranny's warmthThe wooden benchNothing at allQuestion 5 of 206. Who wrote the original story that inspired this lesson?PremchandR.K. NarayanRuskin BondRabindranath TagoreQuestion 6 of 207. The burglar’s ankle was:BrokenBleedingBurntUntouchedQuestion 7 of 208. Who initially doubted Swami’s bravery?His classmatesHis fatherHis teacherThe policeQuestion 8 of 209. What does ‘courage’ mean according to Swami’s father?Strength of bodyHabit of being fearlessFacing danger bravelyRunning away from dangerQuestion 9 of 2010. What scared Swami the most at night?SilenceGhost storiesMovement in the darkAll of the aboveQuestion 10 of 2011. What did Swami earn after his bravery?RespectFearDoubtPunishmentQuestion 11 of 2012. Swami’s father said courage is:RareStrength of the heartUselessUnnecessaryQuestion 12 of 2013. What did Swami’s classmates call him?A liarA true scoutA cowardA heroQuestion 13 of 2014. What object is mentioned to cause fear in Swami’s excuse?RatsDustScorpionsSnakesQuestion 14 of 2015. Who was most supportive of Swami initially?His fatherGrannyClassmatesPoliceQuestion 15 of 2016. What did Swami initially request when his father asked him to sleep alone?To sleep in the hallTo sleep in his granny’s roomTo sleep with his classmatesTo sleep in his father’s roomQuestion 16 of 2017. How did Swami’s father take him to his office room?By scolding himBy dragging himBy rolling his bed and carrying it under his armBy bribing him with sweetsQuestion 17 of 2018. What title did Swami’s bravery earn him at school?School heroA true scoutA brave ladA tiger hunterQuestion 18 of 2019. What lesson does this story primarily teach?Strength is more important than courageTrue courage comes from facing fearDarkness is always dangerousChildren should always obey their parentsQuestion 19 of 2020. Which emotion dominated Swami’s mind while lying in the dark office?CuriosityExcitementFearAngerQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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