Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 8
1. Why is the schoolboy unhappy in the poem?
Answer : Because he has to go to school instead of enjoying summer mornings.
2. What does the schoolboy compare himself to?
Answer : He compares himself to a bird in a cage and a withering plant.
3. What does the child love to do in the summer morning?
Answer : He loves to listen to birds and the huntsman’s horn.
4. What drives all joy away for the schoolboy?
Answer : Going to school on a summer morning.
5. What does the phrase ‘cruel eye outworn’ refer to?
Answer : The dull and uninspiring school life.
6. Why can’t a bird sing joyfully in a cage?
Answer : Because it is confined and cannot fly freely.
7. What happens if buds are nipped and blossoms blown away?
Answer : The plants lose their joy and cannot grow properly.
8. What does the schoolboy wish from his parents?
Answer : To let him enjoy his youthful days without sorrow.
9. What does the schoolboy symbolize in the poem?
Answer : The loss of freedom and joy in childhood.
10. What is the message of the poem?
Answer : Children need freedom and happiness to grow and thrive.
11. Why does the schoolboy compare himself to a bird in a cage?
Answer : The schoolboy feels trapped and unable to enjoy his natural freedom, like a caged bird.
12. How does the school affect the happiness of the child?
Answer : The school takes away his joy by making his day dull and full of restrictions.
13. What do the phrases ‘buds are nip’d’ and ‘blossoms blown away’ mean?
Answer : They symbolize the loss of joy and potential during childhood due to harsh conditions.
14. What does the poet suggest about education in the poem?
Answer : The poet suggests that education should not suppress the natural happiness and freedom of children.
15. Why does the schoolboy dislike going to school in summer?
Answer : Because he prefers to enjoy nature and the cheerful environment of summer mornings.
16. What lesson can parents learn from the poem?
Answer : Parents should ensure that children’s joy and creativity are not suppressed by rigid routines.
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