MCQ English Chapter 8 Mahatma Gandhi Class 7 UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. When was Mahatma Gandhi assassinated?2nd October 194730th January 194815th August 194726th January 1950Question 1 of 152. What does 'Ramrajya' mean according to Gandhiji?Kingdom of the BritishKingdom of GodRule by kingsNone of the aboveQuestion 2 of 153. Which two deities did Gandhiji consider the same?Vishnu and ShivaRam and RahimKrishna and BuddhaGanesh and KartikeyaQuestion 3 of 154. What was Gandhiji known for worldwide?His speechesHis wealthHis principles of non-violenceHis military strategiesQuestion 4 of 155. What did Gandhiji fight against in society?InjusticeInequalityBoth A and BNone of the aboveQuestion 5 of 156. Which movement did Gandhiji start to protest against the salt tax?Quit India MovementNon-Cooperation MovementDandi Salt MarchCivil Disobedience MovementQuestion 6 of 157. What was Gandhiji's lifestyle?LuxuriousOrdinaryLavishModernQuestion 7 of 158. Why was Gandhiji restless upon returning to India?Seeing his countrymen under British ruleLack of opportunities in IndiaPoverty in EnglandNone of the aboveQuestion 8 of 159. What is Gandhiji's birth date observed as?Independence DayGandhi JayantiRepublic DayMartyr's DayQuestion 9 of 1510. Who is called the 'Father of the Nation' in India?Jawaharlal NehruSubhash Chandra BoseMahatma GandhiDr.B.R.AmbedkarQuestion 10 of 1511. What year did Gandhiji lead the Quit India Movement?1940194219451939Question 11 of 1512. What title is given to Gandhiji by Indians for his contributions?BapuRajaGuruMaharajaQuestion 12 of 1513. Which quality did Gandhiji practice from childhood?DishonestyTruthfulnessAggressionGreedQuestion 13 of 1514. What was the goal of the Civil Disobedience Movement?IndustrializationIndependenceStrengthening British ruleSupporting landlordsQuestion 14 of 1515. Why is 15th August significant in Indian history?Republic DayIndependence DayGandhi JayantiMartyr's DayQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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