MCQ English Chapter 6 A Good Citizen Class 7 UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. Where did Rachel go for her vacation?DelhiMysoreAgraJaipurQuestion 1 of 152. What was Rachel excited about?Visiting a museumWatching a movieVisiting Brindavan gardenGoing to a fairQuestion 2 of 153. How many tourists visit Brindavan garden every year?One millionTwo millionThree millionFour millionQuestion 3 of 154. What did Rachel want to make for herself in the garden?A paintingA bouquetA drawingA wreathQuestion 4 of 155. Who stopped Rachel from plucking flowers?Her motherHer fatherHer auntHer uncleQuestion 5 of 156. What snacks did Rachel’s aunt bring to the garden?Cakes and cookiesSamosas, popcorn, sandwiches, and fruitsBurgers and friesChocolates and ice creamQuestion 6 of 157. What did Rachel do with her waste initially?Threw it in the dustbinKept it in her bagThrew it under the benchBuried it in the groundQuestion 7 of 158. What lesson did Rachel’s aunt teach her?To enjoy vacationsTo pluck flowersTo keep surroundings cleanTo eat healthy snacksQuestion 8 of 159. Where did Rachel throw the waste after understanding her mistake?In the gardenIn the dustbinIn the lakeUnder the benchQuestion 9 of 1510. What show did they enjoy in the garden?A magic showA light and sound showA puppet showA dance showQuestion 10 of 1511. What happened to the old man?He got lostHe tripped and fellHe faintedHe was attacked by animalsQuestion 11 of 1512. Who helped the old man?RachelRachel’s auntA tourist guideRachel’s fatherQuestion 12 of 1513. Why did Rachel’s aunt help the old man?He was a family friendHe was in troubleHe asked for helpHe offered a rewardQuestion 13 of 1514. What did the old man do after being helped?Gave a giftThanked herComplained about the accidentCalled for more helpQuestion 14 of 1515. What did Rachel learn from her aunt about helping others?Help only friendsHelp only familyHelp everyone in troubleHelp if you are rewardedQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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