MCQ English Chapter 5 Little Birdie Class 7 UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. What does the little birdie want to do at the peep of day?Sing a songFly awayBuild a nestStay in the nestQuestion 1 of 202. What does the mother tell the little birdie to do?Stay in the nest foreverRest a little longerFly away immediatelySing a lullabyQuestion 2 of 203. Why does the little birdie rest for some time?To gather foodTo strengthen her wingsTo avoid predatorsTo play with her siblingsQuestion 3 of 204. What does the baby say in her bed?Let me rise and fly awayLet me sleep longerLet me playLet me eatQuestion 4 of 205. What will happen if the baby sleeps a little longer?She will become strongerShe will cryShe will learn to flyShe will wake up earlierQuestion 5 of 206. Who is the author of the poem "Little Birdie"?Robert FrostAlfred Lord TennysonEmily DickinsonWilliam WordsworthQuestion 6 of 207. Which word from the poem means "to look quickly"?StrongerPeepRiseLimbQuestion 7 of 208. What rhymes with the word "fly" in the poem?CrySkyByeAwayQuestion 8 of 209. According to the poem, what does the baby need to do before flying away?Eat more foodSleep a little longerCry louderPlay with toysQuestion 9 of 2010. What part of the day is mentioned in the poem?NoonEveningPeep of dayMidnightQuestion 10 of 2011. What does the mother birdie ask the little birdie to do?Learn to singFly without restingWait till her wings are strongerBuild a nestQuestion 11 of 2012. What does the word "limbs" refer to in the poem?WingsHands and legsEyesBeakQuestion 12 of 2013. The poem "Little Birdie" is mainly about:Strength and patienceJoy and sorrowFood and shelterFriendship and loveQuestion 13 of 2014. Which word rhymes with "peep" in the poem?KeepSleepDeepLeapQuestion 14 of 2015. What will happen when the little wings are stronger?The birdie will sing songsThe birdie will fly awayThe birdie will stay in the nestThe birdie will eat foodQuestion 15 of 2016. Who does the baby compare herself to in the poem?A mother birdieA little birdieA sleeping lionA singing birdieQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the phrase "peep of day" mean?Early morningLate eveningNoonMidnightQuestion 17 of 2018. Which activity is suggested in the Word Power section?Drawing a birdWriting a poemSinging a songPlaying a gameQuestion 18 of 2019. In the matching exercise, "bird of prey" means:A vessel for bathingA bird that hunts and eats animalsA clash between a bird and an aircraftA good view from a high positionQuestion 19 of 2020. In the poem, what is the similarity between the little birdie and the baby?Both want to stay longerBoth wish to fly awayBoth sing songsBoth love playingQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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