MCQ English Chapter 17 I Love Nature Class 7 UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. What is the main theme of the poem?TechnologyNatureAdventureFriendshipQuestion 1 of 152. What sound does the poet enjoy early in the morning?WavesPuppiesBirdsWindQuestion 2 of 153. What does the poet like about puppies?Their looksTheir soundTheir smellTheir playfulnessQuestion 3 of 154. What does the poet love about flowers?Their colorTheir fragranceTheir petalsTheir shapesQuestion 4 of 155. From where does the poet enjoy the taste of honey?FlowersBeesTreesBirdsQuestion 5 of 156. What does the poet love about the wind?Its speedIts strengthThe sound it makes through treesIts chillinessQuestion 6 of 157. How does the sky appear on a sunny day?GreyBrightCloudyDarkQuestion 7 of 158. What does the poet love during rainy weather?Smell of the rainShades of greySound of thunderFalling raindropsQuestion 8 of 159. What does the poet enjoy about the ocean?Its depthIts smellIts wavesIts silenceQuestion 9 of 1510. What does the poet like to feel in his hands?StonesSea shellsSandWavesQuestion 10 of 1511. What does the poet admire about the moon?Its sizeIts brightnessIts distanceIts phasesQuestion 11 of 1512. Which creatures does the poet listen to at night?BirdsCricketsDogsFrogsQuestion 12 of 1513. What does the poet do before going to sleep?Reads a bookWrites poemsThanks the LordDreams about natureQuestion 13 of 1514. What sense is related to the sweetness of honey?SmellTasteSightTouchQuestion 14 of 1515. What sense is connected to the smoothness of sea shells?SmellTouchTasteSightQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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