MCQ English Chapter 16 Save Water; Save Life Class 7 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. Where is the Tehri Dam located?RajasthanPunjabUttarakhandGujaratQuestion 1 of 152. What is a major advantage of building dams?Increasing populationIrrigation and hydroelectricity generationDestroying water bodiesReducing rainfallQuestion 2 of 153. What does the term 'ruthless' imply in the context?SoftCarelessHarsh or cruelResponsibleQuestion 3 of 154. Why should children participate in water conservation?To learn new gamesBecause water is essential for everyoneTo avoid studyingTo earn moneyQuestion 4 of 155. What does the word 'adversely' mean?FavorablyNegativelyPositivelyHappilyQuestion 5 of 156. Why do villagers start migrating to cities?For better weatherDue to scarcity of waterTo plant treesFor adventureQuestion 6 of 157. What is harvested under the water conservation program?CropsRainwaterSolar energyFruitsQuestion 7 of 158. Who cannot solve the water crisis alone?ChildrenGovernmentFarmersScientistsQuestion 8 of 159. Which quality is encouraged in children by Akash?LazinessCuriosity and concernIgnoranceHarshnessQuestion 9 of 1510. What happens when forests are destroyed?Rainfall increasesRainfall decreasesWater bodies fill upCrops grow betterQuestion 10 of 1511. What is the impact of water scarcity on food production?Increase in food productionDecrease in food productionNo effect on food productionImprovement in crop qualityQuestion 11 of 1512. What message does Akash’s letter aim to convey?Importance of educationNeed for water conservationRole of sportsIncrease in populationQuestion 12 of 1513. What is necessary to maintain tubewell functionality?Regular cleaningRainwater harvestingAdding chemicalsDeforestationQuestion 13 of 1514. How should the government handle dried-up rivers?Let them remain dryConstruct new damsStop farmingReduce rainfallQuestion 14 of 1515. What is the outcome of air and water pollution in cities?Cleaner environmentHealth issues and discomfortIncreased water supplyImproved living standardsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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