MCQ English Chapter 13 The Adorable Mother Class 7 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. What does the child compare the mother to in the poem?A mountainSunlight in the dayA riverA rainbowQuestion 1 of 122. What does the mother help the child to see?DreamsThe truthThe worldThe right pathQuestion 2 of 123. According to the poem, what does the mother make disappear?DarknessTroublesFearPainQuestion 3 of 124. What does the mother teach the child?How to fightHow not to fight and what is rightHow to win argumentsHow to dreamQuestion 4 of 125. The mother is described as being the one who:Loves unconditionallyCares and understandsSolves every problemTeaches only lessonsQuestion 5 of 126. Why is the mother referred to as the “eyes that help me see”?She guides the child in life.She teaches the child to read.She shows the child the stars.She explains dreams.Question 6 of 127. What does the child feel blessed about?Having good friendsBeing taught to dreamHaving a mother sent from aboveLiving a happy lifeQuestion 7 of 128. What does the child’s mother know best?The child’s favorite foodWhen to have fun and when to restThe child’s favorite subjectThe child’s deepest fearsQuestion 8 of 129. What role does the mother play in the child’s life?A strict teacherA loving guideA fun playmateA distant observerQuestion 9 of 1210. What does the child compare the mother to in the night?The moon far awayA glowing starA quiet breezeA shining lightQuestion 10 of 1211. What is the child’s mother called in the poem?A strict parentThe greatest friendA wise teacherThe strongest personQuestion 11 of 1212. What does the mother hear from the child?The child’s complaintsThe child’s thoughts and screamsThe child’s songsThe child’s dreamsQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
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