MCQ English Chapter 12 Kabir Act Class 7 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. What did the Hindus and Muslims find when they removed the sheet from Kabir’s body?Kabir’s bodyFlowersAshesA sacred bookQuestion 1 of 152. What did the Hindus and Muslims do with the flowers?Burnt themBuried themDivided them equallyThrew them awayQuestion 2 of 153. Which phrase describes Kabir’s teachings?DivisiveUniversal lovePolitical reformEconomic freedomQuestion 3 of 154. How many followers did Kabir have as he grew older?HundredsThousandsDozensMillionsQuestion 4 of 155. What is the meaning of the couplet “Kabira khada bazar mein, sabki mange khair”?Kabir lived in a market.Kabir sought welfare for all.Kabir asked for wealth.Kabir disliked people.Question 5 of 156. Which word best describes Kabir’s couplets?AngryInspirationalSadConfusingQuestion 6 of 157. What kind of reformer was Kabir?EconomicPoliticalSocialReligiousQuestion 7 of 158. Why is Kabir’s couplet about speaking words of love significant?It promotes truth.It advocates non-violence.It teaches harmony.It encourages bravery.Question 8 of 159. What message did Kabir convey about God?God is one with many names.God is distant from humans.God is visible to the eye.God is restricted to one religion.Question 9 of 1510. What punishment involved a mad elephant?It was the first punishment.It was the last punishment.It was the only punishment.It was never carried out.Question 10 of 1511. How did the emperor test Kabir’s divinity?By questioning himBy assigning difficult tasksBy punishing him multiple timesBy making him his advisorQuestion 11 of 1512. What quality of Kabir’s is shown in his survival of punishments?IntelligenceCourageDivinityStrengthQuestion 12 of 1513. What does the couplet “Aisi bani boliye, man ka aapa khoye” mean?Speak with pride.Speak lovingly and coolly.Speak harshly.Speak angrily.Question 13 of 1514. What is Kabir’s legacy?A divided communityTeachings of universal loveHatred among peopleWorship of idolsQuestion 14 of 1515. What is the main theme of the chapter on Kabir?Political leadershipLove, harmony, and divinityWar and peaceEconomic growthQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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