MCQ English Chapter 12 Kabir Act Class 7 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 7 1. Who was Kabir?A kingA poet and saintA soldierAn emperorQuestion 1 of 152. What did Kabir preach to the people?To fight for their rightsTo love each otherTo work hardTo worship idolsQuestion 2 of 153. What do Kabir’s songs and poems tell us?To pray regularlyTo love natureThat God is everywhereTo follow the emperorQuestion 3 of 154. What do Kabir’s writings show?He was a warrior.He was a true saint.He was a king.He was a farmer.Question 4 of 155. What is Kabir referred to as in his teachings?A follower of BuddhaA child of Allah and RamA king of poetsA priestQuestion 5 of 156. Why did people take Kabir to the emperor?To reward himBecause they didn’t like his teachingsTo make him a kingTo imprison himQuestion 6 of 157. What punishment did the emperor order for Kabir first?To burn him aliveTo throw him into the riverTo imprison himTo throw him in front of an elephantQuestion 7 of 158. What happened when Kabir was thrown into the river?He drownedHe swam to safetyHe did not drownHe was rescued by soldiersQuestion 8 of 159. What happened when Kabir was put in a burning hut?He was injuredThe hut burnt down, but he was safeHe escaped the fireThe fire was extinguishedQuestion 9 of 1510. What did the elephant do when Kabir was thrown in front of it?It attacked KabirIt ran away without harming himIt stood stillIt obeyed the emperor’s commandQuestion 10 of 1511. What was the emperor’s reaction after Kabir survived all punishments?He rewarded KabirHe set Kabir freeHe sent Kabir to exileHe imprisoned KabirQuestion 11 of 1512. How did Kabir die?He was executedHe was killed by an elephantHe died a natural deathHe was poisonedQuestion 12 of 1513. Why did the Hindus and Muslims quarrel after Kabir’s death?Over his writingsOver the way to dispose of his bodyOver his followersOver his teachingsQuestion 13 of 1514. What did the Hindus want to do with Kabir’s body?Bury itBurn itEmbalm itPreserve itQuestion 14 of 1515. What did the Muslims want to do with Kabir’s body?Burn itPreserve itBury itCremate itQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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