Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 7
Short Questions with Answers
1. What is the poem about?
Answer: The poem is about the poet’s love for nature.
2. When does the poet hear the sound of birds?
Answer: The poet hears the sound of birds early in the morning.
3. What does the poet enjoy after puppies are born?
Answer: The poet enjoys the sound of puppies after they are born.
4. What does the poet love during a rainy day?
Answer: The poet loves the shades of grey during a rainy day.
5. What is the poet’s favorite sound made by the wind?
Answer: The poet loves the sound of wind blowing through the trees.
6. What does the poet like to feel at the beach?
Answer: The poet loves the feel of seashells in their hand.
7. What does the poet enjoy when the sun is gone?
Answer: The poet enjoys the bright light of the moon.
8. Who does the poet thank before going to sleep?
Answer: The poet thanks the Lord above.
9. Which sounds does the poet love at night?
Answer: The poet loves the sounds of crickets and other night creatures.
10. What is the taste the poet loves from bees?
Answer: The poet loves the taste of honey from bees.
Long Questions with Answers
1. How does the poet express their love for nature in the first stanza?
Answer: The poet expresses their love for nature by mentioning the sound of birds in the morning and the sound of puppies after birth.
2. What does the poet describe about the ocean?
Answer: The poet describes the smell of the ocean and the sound of waves upon the sand.
3. Which natural elements does the poet admire in the day and night?
Answer: The poet admires the bright and sunny day, the grey shades of a rainy day, the moonlight at night, and the sounds of night creatures.
4. What are some specific sounds the poet enjoys in nature?
Answer: The poet enjoys the sound of birds, puppies, wind in the trees, waves on the sand, and crickets at night.
5. How does the poet connect the senses with nature?
Answer: The poet connects hearing with birds and puppies, smell with flowers and the ocean, taste with honey, touch with seashells, and sight with the sky and moon.
6. Why does the poet thank the Lord at night?
Answer: The poet thanks the Lord for all the beautiful things in nature and for the things they love.
7. What imagery does the poet use to describe their love for nature?
Answer: The poet uses imagery like the bright sky, grey rain, the feel of seashells, the sound of crickets, and the shining moon to express their love for nature.
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