Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 7
Short Questions with Answers
1. What is the poem’s name?
Answer: The poem’s name is “Thank You God.”
2. What kinds of creatures are in the poem?
Answer: The poem talks about short and tall creatures.
3. Why does the poet thank God?
Answer: The poet thanks God for everything around us, like the sky, sun, and moon.
4. What does the poet ask for every day?
Answer: The poet asks for love, kindness, and courage.
5. What does ‘peace and harmony’ mean?
Answer: It means living happily and without fights.
6. Why does the poet need strength?
Answer: The poet needs strength to serve God always.
7. What does ‘Almighty’ mean in the poem?
Answer: ‘Almighty’ means very powerful God.
8. What does the poet do at the end of the prayer?
Answer: The poet bows down to God.
9. What things in the sky are in the poem?
Answer: The poem talks about the sun and the moon.
10. Who does the poet pray to?
Answer: The poet prays to God.
Long Questions with Answers
1. What does the poet thank God for?
Answer: The poet thanks God for the big and small things, all creatures, the blue sky, the sun, the moon, and everything God made.
2. What does the poet ask God to give?
Answer: The poet asks God to give love, kindness, and courage so we can live a good life and help others.
3. What does living in peace and harmony mean in the poem?
Answer: It means living happily together without fighting and helping one another.
4. Why does the poet ask for strength?
Answer: The poet asks for strength to always serve God, even when life is hard.
5. How does the poet feel about God?
Answer: The poet feels thankful and respectful toward God. He appreciates God’s blessings and asks for help to live well.
6. What is the message of the poem?
Answer: The poem tells us to thank God for His blessings, live kindly, and stay strong to do good things in life.
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