English MCQ Chapter 9 The Rainbow Fairies Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. What does the poem suggest about the fairies?They are magical helpersThey live in the cloudsThey play with the sunThey are invisibleQuestion 1 of 202. What do the fairies symbolize in the story?HappinessColours of the rainbowSunlightRaindropsQuestion 2 of 203. Which colour comes first in the rainbow?RedVioletGreenBlueQuestion 3 of 204. Which colour comes last in the rainbow?RedYellowIndigoGreenQuestion 4 of 205. What is the main theme of the poem?FriendshipNature and beautyMagic and mysteryAdventureQuestion 5 of 206. What season is mentioned in the poem?WinterSummerSpringMonsoonQuestion 6 of 207. What happens when the fairies hang their gowns?They disappearA rainbow is formedThe sun setsThe clouds cry againQuestion 7 of 208. What is the tone of the poem?Joyful and magicalSad and seriousAngry and loudQuiet and reflectiveQuestion 8 of 209. Which word rhymes with "say"?DaySkyTryTearQuestion 9 of 2010. Which word rhymes with "dry"?SkyCryDayRowQuestion 10 of 2011. What natural phenomenon is explained in the poem?RainRainbow formationSunlight reflectionCloud movementQuestion 11 of 2012. How many fairies are described in the poem?5678Question 12 of 2013. What is the first action of Father Sun?Dries the tears himselfSends the fairiesHides behind cloudsStops shiningQuestion 13 of 2014. What makes the fairies’ gowns dry quickly?The rainThe windThe sunbeamsThe cloudsQuestion 14 of 2015. What does "hung their gowns to dry" suggest about the fairies?They are playfulThey are organizedThey are hardworkingThey love coloursQuestion 15 of 2016. What is a homophone for "row"?RoeRoughRollRunQuestion 16 of 2017. When do we usually see rainbows?On a clear dayAfter rain with sunlightDuring a thunderstormOn a foggy morningQuestion 17 of 2018. Why are the fairies called “little”?They are smaller than cloudsThey are as tiny as the colours they representThey come from the sunThey are invisible to humansQuestion 18 of 2019. What feeling does the poem evoke?SadnessWonder and joyFearSurpriseQuestion 19 of 2020. What can we learn from the poem?Nature is full of wondersFairies live in the skyClouds always cryThe sun never setsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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