English MCQ Chapter 8 Gulliver in Lilliput Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. What did Gulliver find funniest about Lilliputians?Their languageTheir tiny sizeTheir clothesTheir kingQuestion 1 of 142. How many loaves of bread did Gulliver eat for a meal?100101,00050Question 2 of 143. What kind of people were the Lilliputians?CruelKind and helpfulGreedyCowardlyQuestion 3 of 144. What material was used for Gulliver’s boat?WoodSteelFabricPlasticQuestion 4 of 145. What did the tiny people tie Gulliver with?ChainsRopesStringsThreadsQuestion 5 of 146. What did the king and queen of Lilliput do when they met Gulliver?Offered him giftsShook his fingerGave him foodBuilt him a houseQuestion 6 of 147. Why did the tiny people untie Gulliver?He threatened themHe became friendly with themThe king ordered them to do soHe escaped on his ownQuestion 7 of 148. What did Gulliver eat in addition to bread?Fruits and vegetablesA hundred cauliflowers and sheepGrains and riceFish and meatQuestion 8 of 149. How did the tiny people react when Gulliver left?They celebratedThey ignored himThey waved goodbyeThey criedQuestion 9 of 1410. Which of these activities was most helpful to Gulliver?Giving him foodUntying himBuilding him a boatOffering a handshakeQuestion 10 of 1411. What does the word "storm" mean in the context of the story?A peaceful situationA violent weather conditionA sunny dayA quiet seaQuestion 11 of 1412. Why was Gulliver surprised to see the people of Lilliput?They were hostileThey were tinyThey spoke a strange languageThey were invisibleQuestion 12 of 1413. What was the main reason Gulliver felt sad while leaving Lilliput?He didn’t like travelingHe enjoyed the kindness of the tiny peopleHe left his belongings thereHe was afraid of the seaQuestion 13 of 1414. What lesson does the story of Gulliver in Lilliput teach?Size determines strengthKindness and cooperation can overcome differencesAdventure is always dangerousHumans should avoid traveling by seaQuestion 14 of 14 Loading...
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