English MCQ Chapter 5 I Wish I Could Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. Where does a diver dive?In the airIn the seaOn the groundOn a mountainQuestion 1 of 182. What does an engineer do?Fly planesTake care of the sickFix everythingCook foodQuestion 2 of 183. Which profession is not mentioned in the poem?ChefCricketerAstronautTeacherQuestion 3 of 184. Who takes care of the sick?DiverDoctorChefEngineerQuestion 4 of 185. What is the poet glad to be?A pilotA cricketerAn astronautHimselfQuestion 5 of 186. What does "roving" mean?SwimmingClimbingWanderingFlyingQuestion 6 of 187. Which word means "happy" in the poem?PilotGladChefCricketerQuestion 7 of 188. Who is the chief cook in a hotel?AstronautChefPilotActorQuestion 8 of 189. What do you do after eating a chef's dish?Wash handsLick your fingersFix the foodFly planesQuestion 9 of 1810. Who designs buildings?EngineerArchitectLawyerActorQuestion 10 of 1811. My aunt teaches maths, She is a:DoctorLawyerTeacherEngineerQuestion 11 of 1812. A person who keeps accounts of money is called:AccountantPilotCricketerDiverQuestion 12 of 1813. Who practises law?EngineerLawyerArchitectAstronautQuestion 13 of 1814. A person acting on stage is called:ActorChefDiverPilotQuestion 14 of 1815. What is the role of a doctor?Design buildingsFix machinesTake care of the sickFly planesQuestion 15 of 1816. Who travels in a spacecraft?PilotAstronautDiverLawyerQuestion 16 of 1817. Who fights fires?ChefEngineerFirefighterPilotQuestion 17 of 1818. Who is responsible for cooking food?DoctorChefPilotArchitectQuestion 18 of 18 Loading...
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