English MCQ Chapter 16 The Kind Prince Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. Where was Siddhartha born?KapilvastuAyodhyaVaranasiMagadhaQuestion 1 of 202. Who was Siddhartha’s father?DevadattaKing SuddhodhanaKing AshokaKing PrasenjitQuestion 2 of 203. Who was Siddhartha’s mother?Queen MahamayaQueen YashodharaQueen KuntiQueen KaushalyaQuestion 3 of 204. Where did Siddhartha spend hours every day?PalaceGardenTempleSchoolQuestion 4 of 205. What did Siddhartha enjoy in the garden?Playing gamesWatching TVSongs of birdsWriting poetryQuestion 5 of 206. At what age did Siddhartha complete his education?12141618Question 6 of 207. Who did Siddhartha marry?Queen MahamayaPrincess YashodharaPrincess SitaPrincess RukminiQuestion 7 of 208. Who was Siddhartha’s cousin?DevadattaYashodharaSuddhodhanaGautamaQuestion 8 of 209. What was Devadatta’s nature?Kind and caringCruel and proudShy and reservedHumble and honestQuestion 9 of 2010. What did Devadatta bring to the garden one day?A bow and arrowsA swordA spearA shieldQuestion 10 of 2011. What did Devadatta shoot with his arrow?A rabbitA deerA swanA peacockQuestion 11 of 2012. What did Siddhartha do after the swan was shot?He ignored itHe took it on his lap and treated itHe scolded Devadatta and leftHe called the king immediatelyQuestion 12 of 2013. What did Siddhartha give the swan?FoodWaterMedicineShelterQuestion 13 of 2014. What did Devadatta claim about the swan?It was Siddhartha’s bird.It belonged to the king.It was his swan because he shot it.It belonged to nature.Question 14 of 2015. What was Siddhartha’s reply to Devadatta’s claim?He agreed with Devadatta.He said it was his swan because he saved it.He decided to share the swan.He said the king should decide.Question 15 of 2016. Who gave the final judgement about the swan?SiddharthaDevadattaThe kingThe queenQuestion 16 of 2017. What was the king’s judgement?The swan belonged to Devadatta.The swan belonged to Siddhartha.The swan should be set free.The swan should stay in the palace.Question 17 of 2018. What quality did Siddhartha exhibit by saving the swan?BraveryKindnessPrideAngerQuestion 18 of 2019. What quality did the king praise in Siddhartha?StrengthHumilityBeing a saviourWisdomQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the story teach about saviours and slayers?Saviours are weaker than slayers.Saviours are greater than slayers.Slayers are more important.Both are equally important.Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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