English MCQ Chapter 15 Yes, We Can Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. Which event was going to be held at school?Music competitionScience exhibitionSports rallyDebate competitionQuestion 1 of 202. What is Veena good at?RacingSingingBadmintonVolleyballQuestion 2 of 203. Why was Shalu upset?She failed her exams.She injured her leg.She lost her badminton match.She missed a sports rally.Question 3 of 204. Who inspired Shalu to take part in the sports rally?Bharat KumarVeenaArunima SinhaSudha ChandranQuestion 4 of 205. Who is Arunima Sinha?A dancerA badminton playerA volleyball player and mountaineerA swimmerQuestion 5 of 206. What happened to Arunima Sinha?She was born disabled.She was pushed out of a train by robbers.She lost her leg in an accident.Both b and cQuestion 6 of 207. Who is Bharat Kumar?A mountaineerA para swimmerA basketball playerA dancerQuestion 7 of 208. What quality does the story emphasize?Confidence and determinationPhysical strengthAcademic excellenceWealthQuestion 8 of 209. What phrase does Veena use to motivate Shalu?"Never give up.""Always say I can; never say I can't.""Winning is everything.""Hard work always pays off."Question 9 of 2010. What did Shalu say at the end of the story?"I can't do it.""I will give up.""I can do it.""I need help."Question 10 of 2011. What lesson does the story "YES, WE CAN" teach?Hard work is unnecessary.Overcoming challenges leads to success.Winning is everything.Always avoid risks.Question 11 of 2012. What was Shalu good at?BadmintonRacingDancingSwimmingQuestion 12 of 2013. What disability did Sudha Chandran overcome?BlindnessAmputationParalysisDeafnessQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the meaning of the word ‘confident’?Full of doubtFull of fearFull of self-beliefFull of hesitationQuestion 14 of 2015. The word ‘mountaineer’ means:A mountain climberA train passengerA sports playerA ship navigatorQuestion 15 of 2016. Why did Shalu decide to participate in the rally?She wanted to prove her friends wrong.She was inspired by Arunima Sinha's story.She was forced by her teachers.She wanted to compete with Veena.Question 16 of 2017. Which statement is true?Veena is good at volleyball.Shalu was confident from the beginning.Bharat Kumar is a para swimmer.Arunima Sinha was a famous dancer.Question 17 of 2018. What did Veena say about everyone’s qualities?Only athletes are special.We all have some special qualities.Only famous people have talents.Talent is not necessary.Question 18 of 2019. What is the meaning of the word ‘amputated’?RepairedInjuredCut offStrengthenedQuestion 19 of 2020. Who said, "That's like my good friend"?ShaluVeenaArunima SinhaBharat KumarQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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