English MCQ Chapter 13 Little Things Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. What are little words of love compared to?Mighty oceansHeaven aboveGrains of sandPath of virtueQuestion 1 of 152. What is the rhyming word for "age"?RagePageStageEngageQuestion 2 of 153. How do little things affect eternity?They weaken itThey create mighty agesThey destroy itThey preserve itQuestion 3 of 154. What does the poem encourage us to practice?HonestyKindness and lovePatienceDisciplineQuestion 4 of 155. What does "stray" mean in the poem?To wander awayTo stay on the pathTo guideTo enjoyQuestion 5 of 156. What are little things compared to in the poem?Small mistakesBig achievementsGrains of sand and drops of waterThe heavens aboveQuestion 6 of 157. What does "virtue" refer to in the poem?Moral goodnessIntelligenceWealthStrengthQuestion 7 of 158. What does "mighty" symbolize in the poem?StrengthGreatness achieved through small effortsFearlessnessConfidenceQuestion 8 of 159. What rhymes with "drop"?CropMopShopStopQuestion 9 of 1510. What does the poet emphasize through "little errors"?The small mistakes don’t matterEven small mistakes can lead to serious consequencesErrors are unavoidableErrors lead to wisdomQuestion 10 of 1511. What does "little deeds of kindness" mean in the poem?Acts of powerSmall acts of goodnessSimple achievementsRare opportunitiesQuestion 11 of 1512. How are the "mighty ages of eternity" formed?By great deedsBy little momentsBy constant strugglesBy deep reflectionsQuestion 12 of 1513. What can lead the soul away from the path of virtue?KindnessLittle errorsLovePatienceQuestion 13 of 1514. What is a rhyming word for "land"?BandHandSandStandQuestion 14 of 1515. How does the poet describe the contribution of small things?They are insignificantThey create greatnessThey are unnecessaryThey lead to confusionQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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